The Master's wisdom # 22 - living forever

in eternity •  6 years ago 

If you know that you will never die, how differently will you live?


Photo by Kasper Rasmussen on Unsplash

We are told often that we live once, and every moment counts and that we better live as if this is the last days of our life on earth. But the reality is actually the opposite.

We are eternal creatures, consciousnesses wandering between realities. Today we are here and tomorrow in another. But always alive, vibrant, experiencing.

So, if you know you always exist, how your routine will change? Will you make different decisions? What will you focus your attention on?

Something for you to contemplate during this weekend.


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No one can immortal.

Maybe with nano tech they can, it is possible with telomeres

Really i donot hear about it.

Prepare to be surprised


I like to live slow - I guess I would 'allow' myself even slower living, or worry less about the times I'm too slow according to societies wishes? Nice prompt to think about the coming two days :-)

Those who live slow, live longer.
But then again life is eternal so... 😊

I always believed that there's life after life. I will still live that same way as I am now and continue to find happiness with my inner-self. To love and be loved and hope that my next existence will be more fulfilling than this lifetime. I am happy to have met you here @nomad-magus, thank you for sharing these wonderful teachings. ❤😊

Most welcome.
And I'll add that this lifetime can be the most fulfilling of them all!

Knowing this gives me joy. I can feel my soul smile as well. 😊

Interesante reflexión que nos lleva a jugar con hipótesis que fracturarían la realidad, nuestras vidas se llenarían de pensar en llenar el tiempo en proyectos, pero dentro de esta teoria, estamos realmente preparados para eso? sera capaz nuestro cuerpo en resistir? Gracias a Dios nuestro amigo @nomad-magus nos dio a jugar con la mente un rato.

I am glad to be of service.
Taking the mind out of its comfort zone is what many need on their stairway to awakening.
Thank you🙂

Our soul never dies. That’s what I believe in. If you mean our physical part, our body living forever than...
Knowing that one day I die, I wish I lived forever. Knowing that I never die, I wish I would die one day.
One way or another I think at the end we would live very similar lives, but at the same time very diferent lives. You would still be you. Same person with same character. You would have ups and downs just like you do now. If I knew, I would never die, would I be religious knowing I would never die? I don’t know 😞, but I hope I did. Even to imagine about never dying is too difficult.

I see I already got you thinking 😏😉

In my opinion.

Our life feels monotonous? There are various reasons that we are stuck in a boring routine. However, free yourself from this state of affairs is not always easy. The good news, many people have experienced the same thing. In addition, there are many ways to address and fix this situation in order to make our lives more fun!

Throughout life, we take many decisions. The decisions that we take varied, ranging from the most trivial to the most crucial. Our decisions determine our identity at a later date. Take decisions on crucial stage could affect our future. If we ever do something that we later regret later on, we can learn how to take better decisions.

Thanks for this my Teacher @nomad-magus

yes you are right, we live in this world only once, but i want to ask anada. do you believe that after death there is another life in the nature of Barzah, where in the next life is the day of vengeance for what we do in the world, if we do good then we will go to heaven and if we do many sin then we will go to hell and tortured.

These are just stories you have been told.
There are no heaven or hell, no vengeance, no sins.
And all lives happen now. Not after we die.


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