倫敦硬分叉準備就緒🇬🇧 以太幣將何去何從?

in eth •  4 years ago 

以太坊倫敦升級完成!啟用通縮機制「半天已銷毀 3,372 ETH」,幣價急漲8%

萬眾矚目的以太坊倫敦硬分叉昨晚 8 點許正式上線!除了因市場期待驅動幣價漲速以外,新制目前也燒毀超過 3,372 枚 ETH。

據先前報導,EIP-1559 提案旨在透過改變現有的以太坊手續費用結構,將手續費用拆分為基礎費(base fee)及礦工費,並藉由銷毀部分基礎費來降低以太幣(ETH)的流通量。

喧騰多時的 EIP-1559 上路,立刻發揮作用。就數據顯示,在上線初期以每分鐘燒毀價值 1 萬美元的 ETH 呈現,爾後雖逐漸放緩(燒幣的速度取決於網路交易的熱度),但在倫敦升級上線 14 小時以來共燒毀超過 3,372 枚 ETH,以截稿前現價計算價值超過 940 萬美元。

🔗 了解更多: https://bixin.com/hk

【8/9 Ethereum's 'London' hard fork🇬🇧, what to expect?】

Finally, the much-awaited Ethereum London Hard Fork implementation has been timed. It will go live on August 5, 2021. Notably, if the time is due, the event will mainly occur at block height 12,965,000 within the same day.

With the 6.11% gain today, Ethereum price appears to be overcoming the resistance defined by the Ichimoku Cloud after pulling back from the August 1 high of $2,699.

ETH’s average RoIs after its upgrades currently stand at – 5.1% in the first 30 days, 28.8% in 60 days, and 64.4% in 90 days. If the tradition were to be followed this time too, ETH’s valuation might be somewhere around its $4k ATH by the end of October.

🔗 See more here: https://bixin.com/hk

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