A Legacy of Bad Planning and Broken Promises: Halo Platform In Decline

in eth •  5 years ago 

It seems like a majority of ICO projects from 2017 were impacted negatively by what is sometimes called "Crypto Winter" which was initiated by the rapid fall in value for Bitcoin, and soon after, all other crypto currencies. The initial funds raised were generally in either BTC or ETH. Prudent developers and managers were quick to lock in value by converting these digital assets into fiat currency. This allowed them to go about the business of paying their employees and funding their projects growth.

The sad truth is that many projects did not follow this path. Some killed their projects and ran away with the proceeds that were left in exit scams. Others simply kept going until all the money was gone and then shuttered the projects.

Halo Platform believed they were above all of these problems. They were convinced that the tech they were developing and the virtue of holding that tech back until absolutely flawless release could be a winning strategy for their project. They could not have been wronger.

About 10 months ago, around the time of the mass exodus of staff from Halo, cracks started to appear in the armor. Their superstar lead Developer, Shannon Duncan suddenly left the project. So did the head of Block and Chain Games (a subsidiary of Halo Platform) Devin. No commentary...just hey, these guys are gone. There were rumblings in the discord channel, but the team kept pouring out the Koolaid...everything is fine...our timelines may get longer...we are still working hard to get more things done with far less staff...promotion is coming...etc etc etc...


Teasers began to appear for projects that could definitely help fund development once they launched. Block and Chain Casino was mentioned as well as a Halo Poker site. These would create revenue not only for the Halo Team, but also in the form of service fee rewards for masternode holders. This got everyone's attention and was an exciting prospect. The big day arrived and a beta was released to discord users to play and report bugs and issues. To describe it as utter failure would be accurate. The software was not developed by Halo, but rather, a third party with serious "English as a second language" communications issues. The look and feel was clunk and very dated. Game play did not even follow standard poker rules. Page long bug reports were sent in by myself and others. No actual work has been done to the beta since that time. Currently, you cannot even log into it without the site crashing. So why did this happen? The team did not do their due diligence. There are PLENTY of good software packages out there to deliver what Halo was looking for. Many are already in use on ETH sites, and could be easily ported to Halo. Once again, Team Halo drops the ball and ignores the problem.

9 months ago, Halo began "welcoming" new coins to be traded on HaloDex. One of these announcements was Howdoo. The team even welcomed their user base to trade the Udoo token with no fees for a month. As of today, they aren't even listed there anymore.

Other coins have been added more recently to the DEX. None of them have shown any substantial trading volume. Most of them have no trades at all other than market maker bots. The actual coin holders are NOT trading on Halo. Even Halo coin holders are not buying other coins on the DEX.

Last year, Halo was aiming for a release in April for their revolutionary centralized exchange. It is referred to as Halox on the project website. It was voted on by discord users to be called "Pinnacle". It still hasn't been changed on the website. It also still hasn't been released 10 months later. There is still no ETA for release either. Another day...another failure for Halo Platform.

Team Halo ran a "competition" to try and create awareness of their DEX by giving away a free listing to a project voted on by anyone who registered to vote. Free Halo was given to people who played along (easy to do because it is almost worthless). At the end of the Day, the voting public selected Tron (TRX) as being their trading token of choice. Halo announced that they were reaching out to TRX to get everything set up for them to be traded on the DEX. The announcement was made on November 26th, 2019 in a Medium article. To date, you cannot find Tron on the HaloDex. I doubt Justin Sun has any interest in having his coin listed on an exchange that is basically a dead turd.

These are just a few examples of mistakes made by Team Halo. The Halo coin is currently trading at 1 satoshi or about 41 wei. Dust in most of my other coin accounts has more value. Before investing anything in Halo, I urge you to ask LOTS of questions. Make sure you vet all of the answers you get. Be cautious. It certainly looks like they are dead, and just forgot to lay down.

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