This post is created to Highlight all the Popular Post from any specific and this post is about topic ethereum
Have Problems Trading Crypto? ITT ICO to The Rescue!
created by @kingscrownDescription:- I often make posts about trading, what to buy, when to sell and sometimes i describe different exchanges and ways to…
Crypto Roundup
created by @adsactlyDescription:- A wild week with some short term bearish, long term bullish news! One bearish news event after the other, but…
Bitcoin and Ethereum TA / price speculation
created by @xaero1Description:- In my post yesterday, , I presented a fairly negative sentiment scenario for bitcoin medium term, based on some…
created by @iamenglishtvDescription:- Thank You For Watching! These videos are STEEMIT EXCLUSIVES for the first hour before video goes public on youtube…
Scams and Phishing Warning
created by @boxminingDescription:- Recently there has been a huge surge in the number of scams on both youtube and slack. The one that really annoys me…
Bitcoin Crashes On Massive Volume As China Plans To Shut Local Exchanges
created by @zer0hedgeDescription:- Having bounced back dramatically from the 20% plunge following China's ban of ICOs, Bitcoin is getting battered again…
Enjin Coin (ENJ) in a Nutshell
created by @boxminingDescription:- Enjin is a community creation platform for gamers. They have 18.7 million registered users and over 250,000 gaming…
The Regulators Are Just Getting Started
created by @adsactlyDescription:- Its For The Better, Not Worse - It Means Mass Adoption Image Source Big Brother getting his hand in…
Daily: What the FUD China, Giveaways Part #1
created by @boxminingDescription:- Boxmining Daily Sept 10: 1:10 Market Recap 2:05 Ethereum Sets New Throughput Record 3:00 China Spotlight: What the…
Iota Analysis, China FUD, NEO with Ivan on Tech
created by @boxminingDescription:- For those of you who missed the live stream, here is a recording ! Will try to host another one this week or next…
Good news, looks like we will get Metropolis next month
created by @dana-edwardsDescription:- The future is looking bright for Ethereum, Metropolis looks to be ready next month It's looking like it will be…
Boxmining & Ivan on Tech Live in 3 hours! set the reminder
created by @boxminingDescription:- Going to do another collab with Ivan on Tech! Come and chill with us
A Trial Disaster Recovery Of My Android Crypto Wallets: A Dry Run Of What I'd Do If I Lost My Phone, Some Things I've Learned In The Process & A Recommendation To All Crypto Owners...
created by @nolnocluapDescription:- For some time the insecurity of having all of my cryptos in my phone has nagged at me. It's convenient, sure, but the…
Crypt0's News LIVE! (6:00 PM PST - in about 15 mins)
created by @crypt0Description:-
Crypto 101 | VIDEO: Andreas Antonopoulous: Ethereum, ICOs, and Rocket Science (14 mins) - Super practical resource here today!! (Other videos inside post also)
created by @barryduttonDescription:- Andreas M. Antonopoulos is an early pioneer, adopter & educator in the Bitcoin/Crypto space if you have not heard of…
ICO China Ban - Coins that China Loves and Hates are Easy To Spot Today
created by @kingscrownDescription:- Since 2013 often we had news of China banning Bitcoin.. then price was taking, whales buying cheap - rinse and…
BTC Can't Be Confiscated In Korea / Segwit Surpasses BCH Transactions / China Bans Everything
created by @crypt0Description:- Thank You Very Much For Watching And Sharing This Video! Please Hit Like & Subscribe To Not Miss A Beat…
Indiana Jones and the Crypto Investment Strategy
created by @helloluisDescription:- I've been helping a lot of first-timers make their first small steps into crypto over the past few months and although…
SO MUCH NEWS!- IOTA Exploits / KMD News / Crypto Tax Fairness Act / OMG Google / XMR Update / More!
created by @crypt0Description:- Thank You Very Much For Watching And Sharing This Video! Please Hit Like & Subscribe To Not Miss A Beat…
Daily: Are Tethers Safe, Mining: Russia vs Japan vs China
created by @boxminingDescription:- Boxmining Daily Aug 8th 0:47 Market Recap 1:31 Mining: Russia Vs Japan Vs China? 3:11 Tethers 6:49 China…
Bitcoin and Ethereum TA / price speculation
created by @xaero1Description:- In my post yesterday, , I presented a fairly negative sentiment scenario for bitcoin medium term, based on some…
New Ethereum CAHF & BTC GPU Forks = FREE MONEY! / China Ban- Who Cares? / Jaxx BCH This Week / Ripple Sued By R3 / IOTA Drama Continued
created by @crypt0Description:- Thank You Very Much For Watching And Sharing This Video! Please Hit Like & Subscribe To Not Miss A Beat…
Crypto 101 | VIDEO: Andreas Antonopoulous: Ethereum, ICOs, and Rocket Science (14 mins) - Super practical resource here today!! (Other videos inside post also)
created by @barryduttonDescription:- Andreas M. Antonopoulos is an early pioneer, adopter & educator in the Bitcoin/Crypto space if you have not heard of…
Bitcoin bounces back! BTC ETF theories, Korea, ICO ban good news for crypto-dividends
created by @bitcoinmeisterDescription:- It's like the China Bitcoin FUD never existed! I know that at least 20% of you did not panic sell. The price of GBTC…
Cryptocurrency Market Update 11-Sep-2017
created by @onlineprdsDescription:- Today little relief, most of the major currencies trading in Green. Bitcoin again crossed $4200, trading around…
created by @erodriguezc11Description:- Bearish sentiment on the air but STEEM right now is far away from an important support. Hourly chart with a clear…
Great Proof Of Stake Coins - They Multiply Themselves!
created by @galactic123Description:- What is a proof of stake coin? It is a type of cryptocoin that, if you hold enough of them in your own wallet for a…
Cindicator ● Etkin Varlık Yönetimi İçin Hibrit Zeka Platformu
created by @iosetaDescription:- Cindicator; tüm dijital yatırım ve etkin varlıklarınız için oluşturulmuş olan merkezi olmayan kolektif bir analiz…
OUT NOW OpenBazaar 2.0 / Good Time To Buy Bitcoin? As Unreliable News Spooks Markets (Cryptoverse)
created by @marketingmonkDescription:- On today's episode of The Cryptoverse: OpenBazaar 2.0 has just been released in beta, and a great time to buy…
Who is using the Bitcoins and Crypto currencies and when?
created by @cryptomillionDescription:- Who is using the Bitcoins and Crypto currencies? *Cryptocurrency is a complicated mixture of several different…
How To Prepare For The Coming Cryptocurrency Bear Market?
created by @maestroqDescription:- How To Prepare For The Coming Cryptocurrency Bear Market Feel free to leave a comment below!
#83 ETH vs. ETC ETF, 6% Japan BTC Mining, China FUD + US CryptoCurrency Tax Act
created by @mintingcoinsDescription:- We have more FUD coming from china, allegedly making exchanges illegal, but is is true? Also, Japan's Internet Giant…
Status Develop Update for 5th-7th September
created by @status-imDescription:- Wallet Redesign & Implementation Our wallet continues it’s overhaul following community feedback during our fireside…
Daily: WSJ publishes Exchange Ban Rumor, IOTA Part #2
created by @boxminingDescription:- Daily Sept 11: 0:58 Market Recap 2:00 Kyber ICO will exclude Chinese citizens 3:22 Miners say they do not have to…
TaaS Partners With Matchpool to Facilitate Connections in Cryptospace
created by @taasDescription:- Token-as-a-Service (TaaS) announced its strategic partnership with Matchpool, the first platform for mainstream…
Blockcat vs Ether Party
created by @dennygalindoDescription:- These two coins seem to do the same thing, make smart contacts easier to use. I think the key difference is the…
Indiana Jones and the Crypto Investment Strategy
created by @helloluisDescription:- I've been helping a lot of first-timers make their first small steps into crypto over the past few months and although…
Estonia and Its Own Digital Currency
created by @cryptomillionDescription:- Estonia and Its Own Digital Currency “No member state can introduce its own currency; the currency of the euro…