REP, augur's Token have been distributed, here's how to add

in ethereum •  8 years ago 

Add this as a token to your Parity/Ethereumwallet

Token Contract Address: 0x48c80f1f4d53d5951e5d5438b54cba84f29f32a5
Token Name: REP
Token Symbol: $REP

that's it! :)

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my first resteem 8]

Congrats to the crowd-sale buyers! :)

Do you plan to buy more or sell some? :)

I plan on holding and earning money by participating in augur :)

Me too! :) I am really waiting the start to create some market there.
I am also about to buy some more, but I don't know what is the best time for that.

it's almost never a good time to buy a freshly added token... just wait until the market settled

You are right. I sold all of my REPs yesterday. Now I am waiting to buy back them cheaper. :)

Hey ash, very helpful article! Since you're obv. interested in Augur and REP, maybe you would like to take part in my steemit prediction market on the topic of Augur launch date ;-)