Ethereum Prices Dipping - DO NOT PANIC

in ethereum •  7 years ago 

The bloodbath started last week, prices have been falling (currently below $290). I don't even want to look at my portfolio because I experience minor panic attacks ..... (palms get sweaty, knees week, arms heavy) .... anyone else feeling this?

We will be back though.


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It's starting to creep back up to around $280. I think it will go back over $300 in the near term. I am in it for the long haul so if it does go down significantly I will buy more.

This experience will make you stronger and more resistant to pain. The long view on ETH remains very positive!

I sold all my Ethereum when it was around $300. After it bounced around for almost a week I bought it back at $275. Once it goes over $325 I'll sell it again when it starts to go down. I've made $300 so far in short term trades.