RE: Thoughts on an Ethereum Classic Roadmap

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Thoughts on an Ethereum Classic Roadmap

in ethereum •  9 years ago 

Would you be happy if ETC diverged and became it's own currency and movement?

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Very unclear, if it's underlying tech is the same as ETH then why bother, if it diverges into something unique then fine sure. Although I think its very existence diminishes the appeal of ETH and confuses people who would have to be clear about what's the difference between the two. Soooo unless there is a clear difference then I'd prefer it goes away. If it evolves into something truly different and unique make up a new name.

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

As a ETH guppy swimming over in the nanopool, I would appreciate if ETC would do just that. I may or may not agree that a hardfork was the best option, but majority of leadership went in that direction. As such, I am grabbing a couple extra filled canteens and mount up for a long ride in the desert. To me, the exploiter(s) had two goals, to either kill Ethereum or to cripple it. Had this been about money, the exploiter(s) would have gone for much smaller amount and leached as long as they could while Ethereum coin was soaring in value. Instead they went with a brazen amount that would be noticeable and grab headlines to spook people/money away from Ethereum while creating chaos within the Ethereum community. I understand people are standing on their principals with ETC, it's a big world and room enough for everyone. Be as that may, ETC is the splinter from the main herd and the main herd is not coming back to merge back in with the splinter group. ETC continuance is hurting ETH, IMO and as such is assisting the exploiter(s)' primary goal. Yes this is an awful mess, but please, please, stop the bleeding. Sew up the wounds and lets move forward to our separate destinies.