Media Protocol Competes to Promote Content

in ethereum •  7 years ago  (edited)

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MEDIA Protocol is decentralizing content promotion and this puts it in a place where there’s a lot of competition. Advertisement is very centralized and involves a lot off intermediate agents that take commissions. Blockchain provides an easy opportunity in this market and a lot of projects have entered this market. MEDIA Protocol has to compete with many projects that target promotion, at least in regards to the market share controlled by content promotion.


Thrive has created a decentralized ad marketplace and this allows content creators to put ads that promote their content by negotiating directly with other websites or blogs. This cuts out intermediate agents that would take high commission for just connecting the ad space with the content creator. This allows creator to save money as they don’t need to pay unnecessary fees.

Promotion Marketplaces

Jet8, Patron, and a few other projects have created decentralized influencer marketplaces. Influencer marketing has grown a lot and content creators can utilize this service to reach an audience. People usually need to hire agents that connect them to influencers but with decentralized influencer marketplaces, the agents are removed and promoters can save a lot of money that would otherwise be put towards fees.

MEDIA Protocol

The vast portion of projects that have targeted promotion with blockchain have not changed how promotion works. They don’t utilize any innovative approach and just benefit from blockchain at its basic existence by just creating a decentralized marketplace.

MEDIA Protocol rebuilds how promotion is done by allowing content creators to attract an audience independently. It doesn’t just remove the agents that were needed to reach promoters, it removes the need of promoters. At least in regards to content promotion, MEDIA Protocol has changed how promotions are done.

Rather than having to pay a promoter or buying ad space, MEDIA Protocol lets the content attract an audience by itself. Each content’s URL can be turned into a Smart URL that can be given an amount of MEDIA tokens. The audience will earn money for viewing or engaging with the content. MEDIA Protocol is redesigning how content promotion works as it makes the content promote itself. It also gives the important payment solution by allowing the content to itself receive tokens from supporters.

Ad space or influencer marketplaces might be good for simple product promotion, but content promotion enters a more advanced stage with MEDIA Protocol.

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