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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Great stuff and I generally agree.

There are big open-ended questions not addressed in the piece though, around the money-supply and consensus algo. What makes ETH still very high risk now and what's suppressing price IMO is the pending switch to proof-of-stake. If this is pulled off succesfully, I think the market will view that very favorably and the price will increase.

Agree but it's also a huge risk. It just might not work at all.

"...or no dapps are ever successful."
Being a DGD, REP and MKR hodler, that right there is my fear.
You have to think long-long-term though and remember that the truly amazing and successful dApps probably haven't even been thought up yet.

Agree with that, nobody knows what will work best and we're in uncharted waters.

Of coming Dapps I'm waiting for development of Gnosis . They are going to start crowdsale in Aug - Sept. Augur is already working on testnet, but Gnosis is getting more support from EF it seems to me. Regretfully almost all releases were delayed after TheDAO mess.
DEVCON-2 will show many interesting things.
As for ETC, if you hold ETH, you should get the same sum in ETC now. I dumped my ETC on the first Poloniex day, have lost a bit, of course... I really don't see any use for ETC but speculations. As to that DAO story there's great post of avsa (Mist author) on Medium

Thanks for sharing that link, a very thoughtful piece.

I'm also looking forward to Gnosis. I am a big fan of Koppelmann, its founder.

I think genuinely so that community is treasure and synergy of Ethereum and Dapps is the key to growth.

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks for posting this, I have heard ETH is cool and now I see why. All those dapps will probably generate lots of data, is blockchain bloat a problem?

And how hard is for a dapp to switch from ETH to ETC before it is launched? (assuming no incompatible changes to protocols and VM)

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment