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It's easy to play! Simply send 0.1 ether to the smart contract at 0x466743bf20452DEF9C3234dac64d784C022bD6d2 qr-ropsten-ethershuffle.png
(either using your favorite wallet or our dapp at ropsten-shuffle.gif.

Be sure to increase the gas limit to 180,000 if your sending from your own wallet instead of using our dapp.

Very interesting idea, using smart contracts to have fun through a game. I like the idea and I think that more information is needed to be able to use it in steemit.In addition, I think it is a really low price and is within everyone's reach. You could inform me, I appreciate it very much.

I wish you a happy day and a better life

Thanks for the message. We just got done pushing beta into our test environment (Ropsten). If you'd like to test drive the app grab a MetaMask instance, some test ether and run it on the Ropsten test network at