in ethereum •  6 years ago 

We live in a global village where everything is going digital. I believe we are still in the era of a major technological revolution even in this modern times where there are many technological innovations in many parts of the world. In recent times, there has been several improvement in the way people transact business, provide services and exchange goods and services. Thanks to blockchain technology, there are more innovations that are happening with laudable ideas to push the world of technology further and better. The evidence of this improvement is evidently seen in many aspects of human life such as the area of communication, health, transport, banking and other vital sectors.

ShareMeAll is an innovation which is based on the blockchain technology that seeks to create a new system of exchange of goods and services among humans across the universe.
Barter trading has always been with us since ancient times even before the introduction of physical money affectionately known as fiat currency. It is the hope of the developers to give a more humanistic approach to modern system of barter trading other than relying on market prices. Every now and then, individuals, governments and institutions are engaged in special forms of barter trading. The approach by the team of developers at ShareMeAll is to bring a more convenient way of undertaking barter trading in the modern work backed by blockchain technology and smart contract.
Screenshot_20190131-202844.jpg is here to make most impossibilities become a reality. For instance, as individuals, everyone has a specific talent that he/she wants to share with the rest of the world in exchange of some form of appreciation or rewards. Through the platform provided by the developers, users who register on the site, can make an offer to share their skills with the community. In order to receive a reward or compensation for their skill, there is the need to indicate that they wish to receive their rewards in eSwitch® (eSwitch® is a cryptocurrency that allows users to provide an exchange with serenity and trust on the platform of Once a transaction is initiated by two users of the platform, the transfer from account to account is done automatically and securely through blockchain. From that moment, the user who owns eSwitch® on the platform would be able to exchange his/her tokens for the skill he/she requires on the platform. The eSwitch® tokens can also be exchanged with ease into Euros or Dollars and transferred to his/her bank account.

Aside, the opportunity to exchange your skills for the official cryptocurrency on the platform, users would also be able to exchange their objects too. Easy Free uses a method known for many years in the agricultural community, as co-operative, but with a modern technology attached to it. This allows owners of objects to remain the owner, whilst sharing the object with others and maximizing its use. This object sharing function is an integral aspect of the ShareMeAll project as developers are bent on developing an amazing platform that is community focused that enables community members to meet and form a social bond that goes beyond the business relationship.
An amazing way of acquiring accommodation rentals through a modern form of barter trading is an integral initiative by the team of devUser

For more details on the project visit the links below;

ETH ADDRESS:0x21DC797f76aCA21B56a5A120B57F229b7927B254

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Interesting times ahead, a modern form of barter trading backed by blockchain technology.

I think that is what we need in the 21st century. We need fairness and transparency in our business dealings.

This is a good initiative by the team of developers. I hope their vision becomes a reality.