When you are gonna promote the project with youtube promotors?
Very great question, perfect timing for us to let everyone know what our next challenge for the community will be.
We are going to have a youtube promotion contest very soon!
The top three winners will be rewarded.
So I wanted to ask since it’s a community managed project how do the community leads benefit from this project. What’s their benefit?
The community leaders aren’t compensated. I have been rewarded FUZE Tokens for helping setup the website but everything after that has been driven by my interest on what this project will become. Having the opportunity to be a part of a project with people all over the world is a reward in itself. We just hope to create something out of nothing by utilizing the skills and technical experiences of our community!
Did John McAfee have bought any piece of fuze?
With close to 360 token holders I am not sure if JM has purchased any FUZE tokens. It is something I can ask him and let you know if that is information he would like to share.
What is the benefit of such a social experience for you as a team?
When you bring together 1,500 people from all over the world (still growing) you really get a feel for what the market is lacking, what they like or dislike about other projects and what they really want to see happen in the crypto community as a whole.
Figuring out exactly what the people want instead of just creating a project that is driven by the opinions of a small team.
Is it safe to say Listing on exchanges is the usecase of FUZE?
No, that is only Phase 1.
Phase 2 will be compiling all of the ideas from the community on what they want FUZE Token to become.
We have had some amazing ideas already entered and plan on reviewing our next steps early next week! The team leaders believe in this project so much that each and everyone of us has been utilizing our own personal funds to keep the project going in the right direction!
What is the fate of the last parts of the last piece?
I apologize, I am not sure what the question is.
Fuze NEXT future plan?
Please read explanation of Phase 2 above.
We will compile the communities ideas taking into consideration difficulty, cost and legality. We will the let the community vote on what we will do next.
As I said, some of the ideas they are coming up with are amazing.
What happens when all FUZE tokens get burnt or is there a limit to the burn and if there’s no limit,does that signal the end of the project?
With a token that has 18 decimals it will be hard or impossible for FUZE to completely burn to 0.
What is the worst of the odds and the best for future prices?
This all depends on the community. It depends on if the community picks an application for the project that will succeed in this extremely competitive and aggressive market!
We have high hopes 😉
Pls i need to know aside the fact that you are a deflationary token what other value are you adding to the deflationary coin ecosystem?
I believe I have covered this in my previous answers.
Also… Why is the supply sooo low? And with such high burn rate?
We chose 1,000 with a 5% burn rate for multiple reasons but one major reason was to create an atmosphere of holders. Knowing that every time you sell 5% of your order will be burned makes people think twice before selling.
That should wrap up that round! Awesome questions everyone!When you get a chance, please hop onto our telegram channel. We want you to be a part of our community!Your opinion matters at FUZE.
(AMA from 21.07.2019 hosted on the Bitcommunity Telegram channel)