ENS domains for your amusement and potential speculation.

in ethereum •  8 years ago 

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ENS is the Ethereum Name Service, a distributed, open, and extensible naming system based on the Ethereum blockchain.

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) started auctioning domains in May. You can see how that is going here: https://registrar.ens.domains/

ENS can be used to resolve a wide variety of resources. The initial standard for ENS defines resolution for Ethereum addresses.

This is helpful because instead of having to ask people to send ETH to your address 0x012s0m3th1ng012s0m3th1ng012, you can just tell them to send lots of ETH to mycoolname.eth.

A list of Ethereum domains that you might find entertaining or that you could speculate on:

averagejoe.eth   blackstone.eth  nyancat.eth
janedoe.eth      messenger.eth   stanford.eth
0009001.eth      lemonparty.eth  teeeeee.eth
1000000.eth      harvard.eth     whatsapp.eth
1234567.eth      feeeeee.eth     satoshi.eth
7777777.eth      ermahgerd.eth   nakamoto.eth
abracadabra.eth  coinbase.eth    deeznuts.eth
studio54.eth     maryjane.eth    bankrolls.eth
benjamins.eth    megatron.eth    thisisdog.eth
tryndamere.eth   piratebay.eth   scooby-dooby.eth
silkroad.eth     al-qaeda.eth    sillicon-valley.eth 
ginormous.eth    chillax.eth     nakatomi.eth
pornhub.eth      brazzers.eth    tryhardsaurusrekt.eth
hotmail.eth      premium.eth     boatymcboatface.eth
blingbling.eth   supreme.eth     kingkong.eth
network.eth      megazord.eth    abc-123.eth
namaste.eth      rainbow.eth     millennial.eth
hogwarts.eth     fidelity.eth    0000001.eth
eeeeeee.eth      eth-eth.eth     bankofamerica.eth

Auctions are staggered, so don't think that it is too late to buy the perfect name for you. Some of them won't be available for another 30 days.

Let me know if you buy any of these!

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