Who invented Ethereum ? A worldwide project from an idea

in ethereum •  7 years ago 

Vitalik Buterin, today 24 years, born in Russia (Moscow), but emigrated with parents to Canada at age of 6, searching for a better life, ......

Passing through hard time in Russia, integration process in Canada and probably thanking also somebody who noticed his mathematic, programming and statistic skills at the school, he started to develop some kind of blockchain, which actually is Ethereum.

Hard to believe, but really nice to realize that today his project has a market capitalization of approximately 33 billion USD and still growing.

Not discussing the project itself, which for sure could have some problem, but all over and on long term will have a positive impact on our society, shaking the pillars of economy and finance, but honoring a young person, who could be my grandson (per age) and has brought an idea from nothing and probably his Ethereum will be a relevant part of the evolution of the whole currencies market (crypto and fiat) and will force also the very normal people to change the behavior.

When I was young, we were indoctrinated to look everytime to positive figures from history, but nowadays we have to learn also a lot from younger generations, which are really more open to the challenges of today.

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nice story t
