EthCC 2019
Second Ethereum Community conference was taking place from 6th to 9th of March 2019 in Paris.
Below you can find links to official reports videos, sorted by category.
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Browser & Files
Daniel A. Nagy.: Update from the Swarm team
Daniel A. Nagy.: Update from the Swarm team Questions
Raffi Sapire: Live Streaming: Ethereum's First Real World Disruptor
Ben Livshits: Growing a compelling product with the help of blockchain at Brave
Dr. Vincent Eli: Meta - MetaMask: Integrating Layer 2 in MetaMask for scaling, privacy and more
Dean Eingenmann: Updates from ENS
Charles Hamel : Open your Dapp to 100 million users
Chris Remus: ENS 3-6 Character Auction and Permanent Registrar Update
Core Ethereum
Tyrone Lobban : Quorum: Deploying Ethereum in the Enterprise
Patrick Ventuzelo: Let’s dig inside Ethereum Smart Contracts compiled to WebAssembly
Guillaume Balle: Ewasm ethereum 1.x update
Vanessa Bridge: Uncle rate analysis and the impact of mining strategies
Fabian Vogelsteller: -ERC 725 - the second iteration
Jacques Dafflon: ERC777: Improved token safety and security
Mamy Ratsimbazafy: Tests and Simulation of Eth2.0
Crypto Economics
Paul Kohlhaas: Engineering Crypto Economic Incentives with Token Bonding Curves
William George: Schelling point based games and p+epsilon attacks
Julien Prat: Fundamental Pricing of Utility Tokens
Cassidy Daly: How to implement inflation effectively in token design2
Marc Zeller: Are all tokens useless ? - Post-Ico Mania Tokenomics
Jean Millerat: A board game for designing the mechanism of a smart contract
Kendall Cole: The Art of Tipping: Crypto's Oldest Use Case
Dao / Governance
James Pitts: Magicians, Philosophers, and Cat Herders: Self-Organizing in a Decentralized Galaxy
Ashleigh Schap: Business Development & Crypto: Breaking Out of the Bubble
Vlad Zamfir: Blockchain Governance
Primavera de Filippi: In blockchain we trust(less): The rise and fall of blockchain governance
Niran Babalola: Slate Governance for Effective Token Votes
Hugh Karp: Legally linked DAO's
Julien Béranger: DAOs : How to (finally) kickstart adoption?
Gregor Žavcer: Towards fair data society
Simon de la Rouviere: The State of Curation Markets
Hudson Jameson: Ethereum Governance in 2019
Martin Lundfall: − Subjectivity vs. Objectivity in decentralized systems
Qianchen Yu: Beyond the technology, how about building a legally-compliant DAO?
Louis Margot-Duclot: Building complex governance systems on Ethereum in 5 simple steps
Philippe Honigman: What is Ownership in a DAO? - The Tribute Network Case
Liraz Siri: CREDO: Sustainable bootstrapping of decentralized open source networks
Griff Green: The Path Towards Decentralized Governance & True Sovereignty
James Pitts: Magicians, Philosophers, and Cat Herders: Self-Organizing in a Decentralized Galaxy
Hudson Jameson: Ethereum Governance in 2019
Yalda Mousavinia: The Seven Principles of Human- Work DAOs
Ownership in a DAO? - The Tribute Network Case Matan Field: Holographic consensus, scalable DAO
Tim Bansemer: How distributed governance unlocks collective coordination and intelligence
Daniel Kronovet: Decentralized Capital Allocation via Budgeting Boxes
Thibauld Favre: Financing decentralized projects with a Continuous DAO
Vanessa Grellet, Fanny Lakoubay, Judy Mam & Kevin Abosch : Panel on art on blockchain
Tomislav Mamić: BridgeDAO - a smart contract in the control of the physical world
Simona Pop: Impact IRL: effecting change and empowering people
Stefan George: Conditional Tokens - Introduction to a new Asset Class
Fauve Altman: The Current State of DApps
Jorge Izquierdo: Upgrading Aragon Voting infrastructure
Loredana Cirstea: The Importance of Proof of Wonder
Mike Barrow: Uncorking the wine world: tokenization, transparency and traceability
Marcin Benke: Pay-as-you- use Golem
Logan Saether: −Web3- Enabled Social Networks
Vidal Chriqui: How to build your decentralized booking service (DBS) on top of ERC- 808
Eduardo Antuña: DAppNode:Untying the knots of decentralization
Tobias Schubotz: Gnosis Safe 2019: Recovery & dapp interaction
Tyler Mulvihill: These times, they are a changing: The Supply Chain Trilemma
Dr. Seven Waterhouse: Opening up the Internet to all
Robert Zaremba: Limiting the use of smart-contracts: when and how to move off-chain
Amaury Martiny: Build your DApp on a Light Client
Alexandre Cognard: Discover Arianee Protocol and Live Demo
Evan Van Ness : −Things I want to see at the app layer
Olivier Sarrouy: Pando, a decentralized VCS based on IPFS and Aragon
Jez San - FunFair: State channels live. Next phase: Adoption
Yaron Velner: Bringing Liquidity On-chain - Lesson Learned'
Julien Bouteloup: Decentralised Geospatial Layer For Earth Observation
Clement Lesaege: From Doges to Tokens: Curated list disputes with Kleros
Decentralized Finance
Thibault Meunier: TEX - Trustless and scalable exchange on layer 2
Kavita Gupta: Venturing the decentralized future
Kristoffer Naerland & Jannik Luhn: Trustlines Network - Decentralized Currency Networks
Jacek Czarnecki: −The Legal Side of Decentralized Finance
Jenna Zenk: Handing over the Melon protocol to the Melon Council
Arnaud Grunthaler: Regulation applying to STO Igor Barinov: xDai and the dawn of stablechains
Chris Hermida: Stablecoin Trends Gustav Arentoft: Introduction to MakerDAO
Luc Falempin: How on- chain identity management could help mass adoption of security tokens
Juan D. Mendieta: Liquidity for the tokenized world
Corbin Page: Security Tokens: Building an open financial system
Chris Hermida: Stablecoin Trends Gustav Arentoft: Introduction to MakerDAO
István András Seres: MixEth: efficient, trustless coin mixing service for Ethereum
Christiane Ernst: The dxDAO - Governance of the DutchX
Frank Brinkkemper: From successful ICO to a legal STO
Alexandre Clément: Parametric insurance on the blockchain today and what's left to accomplish?
Alexei Zamyatin: XCLAIM - Interoperability with Cryptocurrency-backed Assets
Ankit Chiplunkar: How ICO's invested your money in 2018
Stephane Gosselin: ERC1400: the evolution of a family of standards
Adam Dossa: Modelling Securities on Ethereum - Challenges and Opportunities
Xavier Lavayssière: From legal entities to digital ecosystem
Arnaud Grunthaler: Regulation applying to STO Igor Barinov: xDai and the dawn of stablechains
WORKSHOP Max Stein: How to keep track of your digital assets
Alexis Collomb - Designing a 'universal' security token
Dauriel Team: Tokenized Securities - The future of Capital markets
Dev Tools
Liam Horne: State Channels With Counterfactual
Chris Chung: Ion: A platform agnostic Interoperability approach
Rosco Kalis: Using events to unit test smart contracts
Andrej Bencic: Invalid Opcode: Understanding the EVM through the eyes of a Solidity Stack Tracer
Alex Beregszaszi: −Solidity & Yul
Lucian Boca: Indexed Ethereum Data: Boosting dApp development with Alethio's Core API
Albert Acebrón: SafeSol, a safety-oriented Solidity fork
Christoph Jentzsch: Incubed - Scaling Access
Philipp Langhans: Update from the Mist team
Vincent Le Gallic: − Entreprise DApp developer, technical challenges and tradeoffs
Makoto Inoue: How to integrate ENS into your dApp
Ivaylo Kirilov: Ethereum and Java
Pascal Van Hecke: Lightning Talks Session
Karan Ambwani : Blockchain Landscape in India
Federico Rocchi: The evolution of the blockchain's ecosystem
Dmitry Bespalov: State of the iOS application development for Ethereum dapps.
William Mougayar: Challenges in Growing The Ethereum Ecosystem As A Community
Rick Dudley: Parsimonious answers to difficult questions
Axel Simon: You Can't Commoditise Trust
Vinay Gupta: Smart contracts that transfer physical property
Ricardo J. Mendez: The Truth Of The Thing
Aya Miyaguchi: Communication from the Ethereum Foundation
Lane Rettig : Ethereum will save the world. Here's how.
Eseoghene Mentie: −What we can learn from ancient decentralised civilisation
John Lilic: Spectacular Growth Happening Now: Why Ethereum Must Focus on Asia
Matias Nisenson: No shit: a dapp with thousands of users and no ICO
Nicolas Julia: How NFTs on Loom Plasma Chain are pushing the next wave of crypto adoption
Antoine Detante: − Blockchain & privacy: a concrete example with Parity Private Transactions
Zachary Williamson: Publically verifiable private transactions - a deep dive into the AZTEC protocol
Dr. Sebastian Bürgel: HOPR - decentralized messaging beyond Whisper
Lucas Vogelsang: Practical Privacy: Why does privacy matter and how to solve it?
Patrick McCorry: PISA - Accountable Third Party Watching Service for State channels
Alex Gluchowski: Solving Scalability with Zero Knowledge Proofs
E.G. Galano: Infura & Web3 Infrastructure
Paul Lange & Franziska Heintel: Raiden Network Update''
Adan Sanchez De Pedro: The Future of Blockchain Oracles — What Decentralization Really Means
Mehdi Zerouali: Lighthouse: a security- focused Ethereum Serenity client
Angel Versetti: The convergence of IoT and Blockchain
Vlad Zamfir: Blockchain Scaling
Remco Bloemen: Scaling DApps and DEXs using zero knowledge proofs
Robert Habermeier: Consensus and Finality in Polkadot
Georgios Konstantopoulos: Plasma Cash: Towards improved Plasma Constructions
Arthur Gervais: NOCUST – A Non-Custodial 2nd-Layer Financial Intermediary
Benjamin Smith: dfusion — Using zkSnarks to scale arbitrage-free decentralized exchanges
Adrian Brink: PoS Validation: Social and Technical Attacks
Vincent Danos: off-chain techniques for real-world smart contracts
Justin Drake: Ethereum 2.0—the phase 0 spec
Tom Close: State Channel Networks
Nick Dodson: Why Eth Devs are Doing Security all Wrong (and how it affects the user)
Pavlo Radchuk: What is DApp security and how it should be done?'
Kazuaki Ishiguro : How Blockchain Ensure the Reliability of Data and AI
Josselin Feist: Slither: A Static Analysis Framework For Smart Contracts
Dr. Petar Tsankov: Safety certification of Ethereum smart contracts
Bertrand Masius: Using Erays and Z3 to find vulnerabilities in S
Awa Sun Yin: −Variants of Proof-of-Stake
Stani Kulechov: To Approve or Not To Approve? -Balancing between Security and User Experience
Silur: Applications of Noncommutative cryptographu in blockchains
Thomas Bertani: Oraclize 2.0 - 1M queries later, towards decentralization and onwards
Dennison Bertram: Upgrade Driven Development with ZeppelinOS
Gilles Fedak: How Intel SGX and Ethereum can be leveraged to monitize data sets
Benjamin Bollen: Meet Mappy, Happy, & Dappy: Personas For Blockchain Product Management
Aqeel Mohammad: Bridging the Divide
Lili Feyerabend: Ethereum UX for non-tech users: Cases of NFT and Prediction market
Will Harborne: −Decentralised Exchanges - Crossing the UX Chasm
Thomas Chataigner: Blockchain: The UX strikes back
Piotr Kosiński: Decentralized automation
Thibaut Sardan: Turn your smartphone into a hardware wallet
Pelle Braendgaard: Building Identity into Layer 1 and Layer 2 through Signed Typed Data
Pedro Gomes: −Wallet Standards for Mainstream Adoption
Craig Williams: Reducing Mainnet Transactions: A Case Study Mokhtar Bacha: #SHIPL
Itamar Lesuisse: Enabling frictionless access to Dapps, today
Louis Millon: −Hiding the blockchain : mass adoption through use-case focus.
Austin Griffith: Meta Transactions and the Burner Wallet
Fabrice Croiseaux: Ethereum Decentralized Digital Identity Trust Services
Craig Williams: Reducing Mainnet Transactions: A Case Study Mokhtar Bacha: #SHIPL
Taylor Monahan: Fixing Ethereum's Fragmented User Experience
Scott Moore: Growing Open Source Software
Yoav Weiss: Gas Stations Network (EIP 1613) - decentralized meta- transactions
Web 3.0
Rob Habermeier: Cumulus: Entering the Substratosphere
Jack Platts: Introduction - W3F Track Ryan Zurrer: The State of Web3 & Polkadot Governance
Reto Trinkler: Katallassos: A Standard Framework for Financial Contracts
François Branciard: Substrate meets iExec: how to Build a Domain-Specific Token-Based Chain
WORKSHOP Dillon Chen: Governance DAOS on Edgeware
Antoine Najjarin: The user experience for Web 3: Challenges and Opportunities
Mike Goelzer: libp2p: A Modular, P2P Networking Stack
Sergey Nazarov: Secure Decentralized Oracles on the Polkadot Network
Dimitri de Jonghe: A Web3 Data Economy with Ocean Protocol and Polkadot
Emiel van der Hoek: Exploring the Polkadot/Substrate Runtime
Shawn Tabrizi: Enabling Forkless Blockchain Upgrades with Substrate
PANEL TALK: Fatemeh Shirazi, Oskar Thorén, & Sebastian Bürgel: Whisper v2 Implementation
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