Ethereum Hard Fork due on 20th July - Download Ethereum Mist Wallet 0.8.1

in ethereum •  9 years ago 

After much debate and controversy, the hard fork is coming in block #1920000 which is due Wednesday 20th of July. If you are an Ethereum Mist user like myself, You will need to download to the updated version 0.8.1 and accept the prompt I have screen shot below.

I have just done this, and it was a nice and easy process, as the updates usually are. This will activate the new chain where DAO funds can be recovered, and keep your Ethereum on the 'right' chain.

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@nastrom you have posted that same line on multiple posts today. Everyone feel free to look and let me know if you disagree with me. I would be more than happy to engage with, but your current content is essentially spam!

Yeah I know him, he is one of the biggest spammer :/

Bring on that sweet sweet cheap ETH...

@ghostyeti. I'm with you. Ready to load up if I get a chance at low prices..

Ethpool miners voted against the hard fork... A storm is coming :)

Update from : According to the voting result (65% in favor of not supporting the fork) the pool is supposed not to support the fork. But as all other major pools (e.g. dwarfpool, ethermine, nanopool) are supporting the fork we can and will not jeopardize any mining income of the pool by mining on a chain that has a very high probability to get orphaned. Therefore, according to our voting policy stated in the announcement, we will support the hard fork. Storm has died

If you need to access your Ethereun before we hit block #1920000 you can simply switch to the other chain by following these steps

These steps are attached to the GitHub Ethereum Mist Release...

I have 420 mh/s. Mine Ethereum from the beginning 2016. Awesome profit)
Very interesting what will be after this hardfork.

@kirill7 Nice. I missed the crowd-sale but got into Ethereum the day it launched on Poloniex. Love the project. I think everyone is expecting a mini dump post Hard Fork. Certainly will be interesting. The more that people believe it will dump, the more I think we may see a rally ;)

Light wallets (myetherwallet, jaxx, etc..) have not choice and will continue with the longest (winning) chain.
If you use Geth client with command line, you can start it with flag --support-dao-fork, or --oppose-dao-fork.