RE: Another HUGE Ethereum Token Sale is coming - STOX!

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Another HUGE Ethereum Token Sale is coming - STOX!

in ethereum •  8 years ago 

Yeah looks like they basically stole the idea and color scheme from Auger and just put a different logo on it. lol Still it will do well in the beginning simply because Mayweather is associated. These prediction markets may be fun to play with and provide a way for some lucky people to make money within the platform but I don't think the coins are a good long term investment when compared to some of the others, at least until there are some well defined market makers. I could see this becoming like online casinos that pop in and out of existence all the time. I really like the idea of this technology but there's nothing to prevent or deter any number of copy cats from entering the space. Next thing we'll probably see is a prediction market aggregator that will combine statistics from sites like this, Auger and Knosis.

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Nowadays with everything becoming open source, I bet many are just copying the codes from others, make slight changes to the UI and hey presto a money making ICO scheme!