Start using Brave - Browser That Uses Crypto on Top!

in ethereum •  7 years ago 

I wrote a guide about Brave long ago and i have been using it since some time.

The browser is fast, efficient, secure and uses BAT tokens (soon in more ways) on top.

Today i got mailed that blog was chosen for their promo program.

If you never used it, consider to download and install using this link. Im not exactly sure what will my blog get exactly but its worth trying. Its eating way less memory than Chrome or Mozilla.

BAT Markets

As usual, my fav exchanges are on top if you don't have accs yet make them for Binance and Bittrex asap.

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u can RT for visibility - brave team tagged there -

Hi @kingscrown,

It seems you got a $36.564 upvote from @kingscrown at the last minute before the payout. (23.2h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of reward pool abuse. Thank you.

The reviews seem really good, but I see no reason to switch from Chrome for now. If however the browser starts awarding users with BAT tokens for viewing ads, I could be persuaded to switch.

I've never heard of this browser, have to read more about it

i agree

It seems like we are moving for a facedown. Everything owned by big guys like Amazon/FB/Google/MSFT vs ones backed by the blockchain kids. 11st world war of cyber space. it's gonna be epic.blockchain vs fb.jpeg

Think it will be more win-win. Not sure if it has to have a big loser this time around. That was more the old system. This new era it's more about win-win. We will have less of these Myspace moments where something mega crash. Because humans are getting smarter and learn what has been bad in the past to do. So we get better habits and routines that increase our long term winning gains and track record. If someone does something amazing then it will benefit the whole community. In this case the whole Internet community. Remember the so called big guys was once just the little kids in a garage.

The interesting thing about the Internet on the other hand is how you now get all these people from different niches competing in the same online space. And everyone is constantly copying what others are doing that works. If Snapchat do something that works then everyone copies them. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and more! Literally everyone! This makes it so the end user get more options and a overall better product.

I do agree that it will be epic on the other hand! With so many different businesses now working in this field with tons of money we will see interesting developments the upcoming years. And it will be a long battle! Clearly the ones who get the most powerful AI computer first will win this game eventually. That is a thing that even worries high level business owners and world leaders!

What's the difference to a common browser?

Amazing adblocking. Even manages to block ads that adblock doesn't plus it has it's own crypto.

Ah ok thank you for your help! :) I will definetly check it out

the best browser imho

I don't agree, it is far too slow and has zero plugins, once these are sorted out, it will be the best browser, I hope it does happen though.


That's a very nice one I think

It especially has a cool CEO behind it! Best browser now yes but I want to have the ability to earn value just by browsing inside the Brave browser. Because clearly that must be worth something for someone out there? Since our attention is limited. And our Time too!

Also if it's something we have learned about the Crypto and Token industry then it is to go research the people behind the coins. So we don't get another BitConnect moment. So who are they behind something? What is their previous projects? Some also get lucky if they just did 1 major project. So may be good to look a bit deeper. Right now after Brave browser I would say Firefox comes in strong. Google Chrome has tasteless engineer UI. Firefox has added more soul to the web experience with nicer menus.

Maybe I need to take a look at what Opera is doing. They had a nice mobile web browser that I could remember on my Nokia 6070 around 10 years ago. The good old days when you browsed the Internet on a mega tiny screen! Brave browser reminds me a bit about Opera browser for some reason.

I think Opera is quite good. Especially because it has a built in VPN.

Nice! Clearly that could be very useful while browsing the web. Some sites that tries to block you if you are from a certain region. Can't believe we still struggle with that in 2018. It's a global world now. Countries only exist on paper!

Yes and it doesn't seem to slow it down too much.

what potential does it have in near future

guy who created javascript made this browser. good enough ? :)

don't forget firefox

yeah :)

That's it I'm in!

Right now more normal potential. But the potential can skyrocket (literally) if Elon Musk gets involved in the project. But I do agree with you that it would be awesome if they had some feature that made it truly stand out from the competition! Since there are lots of browser option people have these days. Especially on Android the selection you have between great browsing experience is insane!

I suppose that iOS is a bit more dry when it comes to browsing experience options since Apple likes too much control. Apple lost most of it's hardcore geeks when jailbreaking became harder. So Brave browser over there will probably struggle a bit with it's potential. Apple even want to control you so much that they removed the headphone jack so you have to buy an overpriced adapter!

Main potential right now seems to be for advertisers to get in on the Basic Attention Tokens. They got the logo down real sharp I could see on coinmarketcap! A bit illuminati feels. Still a bit down from it's all time high around a month ago. For the regular consumer I don't really see the major selling point. Since block ads has been around for years now.

And reward other websites with Tokens will probably take at least a couple of years before it really starts to take off in a nice way. So right now it seems like we are mainly going to play the waiting game. Super curious when the Google guys will be starting to talk more about Crypto and Tokens. Then we finally can see if the big bad wolf got what it takes to compete with these new geeks on the block!

best browser right now

What makes it different to other browsers?

Yep been using it since last Sept. This browser has come a long way in that time and has become my new fav!!

Besides being based on a crypto, Brave is an excellent browser! I use it constantly now!

I have the browser, its interesting but I just have it on the side for now it feels like a beta and doesn't load everything.

interesting i have no issues, maybe it blocks some sites thinking they are adware ?

I wanted to see if they fixed something now the browser won't open lol
For example I would go to coinmarketcap, click on bitcoin, click on social and the reddit section wouldn't show up.

Yep, I have that problem too. Not a deal breaker but a bit annoying.

There are other problems, but the creator is the creator of firefox so I'm sure they will update it like they update firefox

windows or osx ?

Edit: happens on my email as well, i get as far as the list of mails but when i click on one....nothhing.

Please upvote my post @kingscrown thanks

I felt that it was way faster on mobile than on desktop. Only downside is that Google ads has an ugly grey box. It doesn't fully remove it like Adblock does.

I've experienced similar issues, especially with videos but I'm hopeful they'll get it fixed.

I could see other browsers competing in the space, maybe even one using an SMT instead of an ERC-20 token.

I have been using Brave for sometime now. It’s super fast and really clean. The default home page tells you how many ads that have been blocked etc which is a cool gimick. I u derstsnd how the token is supposed to work but as very few websites actually accept it, I’m not sure how it works currently. I love the browser though.

I already start using it. very good indeed

Glad to see Brave browser gaining more attention. Definitely the best browser out there for both pc and mobile :)

I've been using for a couple of months now and I love it!

I am using brave from the first time I've heard of it - one thing that's really great about it is that it has ad-blocking out of the box and it works on mobile too - this is the most advanced and trustworthy browser that I know that have such a feature and it works just great, blocks almost every ad and makes pages load faster.

It is, of course, also is based upon crypto and the idea to pay site owners of sites you like with it. If it's about gwtting paid for content - it's a shame they do not use steem as the base for this feature!

I do want to mention they are still pretty new so some features won't work as smoothly as in, say, chrome - but it mostly wotks great and I use Brave pretty often.

Maybe they could find a way to nicely implement Steem Smart Media Tokens when that get's released. That would be a nice combination. The biggest importance is more transparency. Steemit really has succeeded in that regard when everyone can see each others earnings. This thing about having your own website is still something that we would love to become decentralized and more easily available for new people. It's still a very complicated process of setting up a website for a beginner. Maybe we can eventually have decentralized social media profiles so if we get banned at one place it doesn't really matter that much since our core profile is backed up.

Well I started to use brave browser today and it is looking solid untill now I really like the interface and smoothness will try in the following weeks and it is more secure anyway

nice post. really good browser

Brave user as well. Started it up a few weeks ago and haven't looked back. Although, I find it can't download pdfs. That might just be me. Curious to see if that works for anyone else.

Hello jagr!

I tried to download a pdf in Brave browser and I got it to work and open smoothly!

Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 09.05.52.png

Thanks for checking. Sorry, I should've mentioned I was having the issue on my phone..

Probably, this will be the best browser in the future! Isn't it?

I just wish it would import my chrome bookmarks in the same format as I have them.

and browser also going to crypto. great

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

BAT is a sick project: Adds value to a multimillion dollar industry using a brand new tech. Being first is key to success and BAT is first here! Reestimed!

First time I hear about this. Interesting.

I've downloaded it.

It seems like a great idea. Integrating cryptos and a browser

Is the browser optimized? I have lags. The design is somewhat similar to ios

But all my chrome extensions tho?

Nice post.I respect you very much because you contribute to steemit.I will do activities like you.I would like to extend the steemit..

I will have to try it. Chrome tends to be very slow. Thank you for the tip. Upvoted and Resteemed by @cryptoryno33

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Cryptocurrency, money 💰 making tool

It's a great browser. So fast and can't be compared at all.

using it since a month, can only recommend it

Этот токен ни к селу,ни к городу...пока по-крайней мере...а браузер не плох...)

I don't quite understand the premise, but I am intrigued... So does this replace Chrome, Firefox, etc?

Brave def best browser

Is this news to you?


Great to know.when I read this I felt to know stuff I didn't know about . Thanks

great post

this browser is great

This is an interesting endeavor for blockchain technology. It could be worth to try but wait what is this BAT tokens all about? Please keep us updated with your experience on this new brave browser.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Why the hell i would use browser developed by layers ?

Originally they told that they will pay share from adds to users who are watching those adds.

But in some time this promise disappeared . So no fuck them

Yeah i know brave browser will top in 2018

good information thanks for sharing

I will have to try it. Thanks.

Excellent very interesting and good information you can see the great work done friend thanks for sharing this great contribution, if you can support me with a vote in my blog

I will get to download this and see how it works.. Thanks for the info

wonderful post and useful crypto news
keep posting☺
@upvoted 👍

a good post buddy ... what if this is clear what you share for your post .. but I will try it

good information, thank's @kingscrown

Interesting. Thank you!!! I will try

Brave is a very good browser, I used it and I'm happy. It's pretty cool that it has own token.

This has just been presented to me to present to you! This is projected to really be the next Bitcoin and/or in the top 10 coins from the beginning. I am not at liberty to disclose much because we are in the early stages but the early bird really does get the worm! B2G coin will cost you $5 each from now til 3/15. It immediately is staged to go between $10 & $400 very fast to be conservative. You can buy 1 coin or 1 million. 12 multi-millionaires/multi-billionaires are founding the launch. They will have their own blockchain based on Ethereum but is not an ERC20 coin. More details to follow soon. You are encouraged to register and get in position now. You earn significant rewards for referring others into the program. THIS I BELIEVE IS OUR HOME RUN FOR 2018... Here is the link:


I wanted to get into the crowdsale but it sold out in 2 ETH blocks. I am going to download the browser and use this. Get very tired of the scammy ads anyway and just like Steem, why not use Brave? It rewards its users while other browsers don't.

The way I see it, now it doesn't really reward it's users for normal web browsing as of this moment. Perhaps in the future they will find a way to do that. Scammy ads can of course already be removed by using uBlock Origin. What I do enjoy with Brave is how it seems to be a bit more transparent about trackers and how many it blocks. Also how the browser looks a bit better than boring Google Chrome. Scammy ads are truly not the future. More trust needs to be involved so you can filter the web into a more quality experience.

Yes, I agree. Brave is still not ready for the big time yet but if they keep improving it, like many of the early stage blockchain projects, the masses will come in. I am def making the switch b/c I needed a ad blocker anyway.

I need an adblocker for Instagram ads. Seriously every 3rd photo is an ad lol. Talk about a spam company! Facebook and Instagram getting desperate trying to sell you out. Blockchain technology will finally be able to remove the ad business and make it never to return again. Nobody will miss it.

Some genius should figure out how to make a browser around Steem, that pays you rewards for browsing :D

please follow

You got a 7.74% upvote from @mercurybot courtesy of @kingscrown!

Yeah, big fan of Brave browser here. Though I have not deposited any BAT yet, not sure about what this does. Thanks man.

Its so cool.....

Nice post and informations bro, upvote and resteem

Just downloaded it man, you need to be more on Twitter.

My next buy was going to be EOS, but now that i've heard of bat i don't know if i shouldn't buy it instead... what do u think @kingscrown?

Hmmm i never even heard of it, will check out now, looking at all these positive comments :O

Thanks for appearing in my now-trending-feed with this post :D

thank you @kingscrown for the information regarding the browser, I just download it, and i will try to use.

I haven't heard of this browser ever. Have always used browser like Google Chrome , Mozilla Firefox, and Opera mini. And thank you for the crypto's news and information. Really appreciate it. Thank you @kingscrown

this is nice i would like to try this since my computer has a lower specs this might be usefull to me thanks again :)

this is the right one. and thanks for the information buddy.

I've been using Brave part time for a few months now. It's pretty decent from my perspective, and I'm extremely finicky about browsers.

Drop shields if you trust site, enable JS if site is broken - it's less work than noscript plugin for Firefox yet offers similar protection. It blocks some trackers that are not relying on Javascript too. No idea about the BAT token, I have not given any to sites, or received any on my site, so we'll see.

I've had it installed for a while, just never really started using it. Just now switched because I ended up learning more about it. Definitely helps a touch in the management of my own cryptocurrency too but I'm not delving too deep into that here in this comment. Got to say, I'm actually quite impressed with it.

Yes you have right, I just followed you.
I'm using this browser I have also Meta mask connected to ethereum wallet. I know about it since December . Brave have a lot of protection.

I will watch you @kingscrown 🤗

You got a 1.54% upvote from @buildawhale courtesy of @kingscrown!
If you believe this post is spam or abuse, please report it to our Discord #abuse channel.

If you want to support our Curation Digest or our Spam & Abuse prevention efforts, please vote @themarkymark as witness.

Very good picture and your story


I have used it for a couple months now and one feature I love is the integration with Dashlane password manager. The integration with metamask is also promising for us cryptolovers, but still feels a bit beta, does not work flawless yet.

It's a good start but it has to improve way more. At the moment i feel like using Firefox with an adblocker without being able to use plugins. The potential is there but it will need something more to stand out of the competition.

Im a holder of BAT for longer time now - hope to see it go big with brave :)

Been using Brave for a while now, on top of being much faster then any other browser i used, it is also much more secure, it automatically blocks ads and the feature i like the most, is that it seemlesly integrates with metamask so you can directly interact with the ethereum blockchain straight from your browser...perhaps underated now, but this approach will be very important once dApps start to be more widespread and mainstream.

Thanks for the post @kingscrown

Very helpful & good information.
Resteemed @kingscrown

nice and so usefull.

Impressive work upvote you... i am new here help me....

Interesting concept. Maybe I'll give it a go, see how it performs on linux vs my current preferred browser.

Interesting... I will do some due diligence and check it out a bit. Thanks for the tip!

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New facebook group where community raise larger amounts of ether together and then get bigger bonuses in the ICOs. Also US and China investor can now participate in those ICOs because there is no need for KYC. Link:

Congragulation @kingscrown

very promising

@kingscrown you posted an informative post, that type of post are helpful for all of us .. thank u for sharing the great stuff .. resteemed

I love the crypto integration aspect of Brave, but what about privacy. Is this just another Google clone when it comes to tracking? We badly need something just this side of TOR.

Hy sobat
Postingan anda oke bagus dan menarik sexi lagi.

Thanks for this great post just followed you 👍

It a great browser thanks for this great post 👍 just followed you

I've heard of this browser have been interested in downloading it. Thanks for the info on BAT tokens.

cool but how does it make me money ;-P

Been using this for months now, can't reccommend it enough! Safe and fast, no problems whatsover. Can't wait for them to launch the brave ads program!

Hello Guys how are you all ! Am new on steemit so like , comment and vote please , Am very happy to join this network help me to get more followers and votes i also do follow back comment and vote you ! Thanks lovely Guys.
And one thing more also resteem my post in your friends.
Have a good day.

Youre post has intrigued me @kingcrown and I have downloaded Brave. I am excited to start playing with it and see if it really is as great and everyone says. Good stuff!

Great post This type of post is very important for us. There are many things to learn from you. Thanks so much for a good posting sir.

Love the browser. Started like 4 months ago on mobile and a lil furthur ago on the desktop and laptop. This is sooo peaceful for the mind and i love that the mining can't be rogue scrypted on these too:) Plus the finger print protection<3 Thanks dude

The brave browser is great! Super fast! I also bought some BAT back in September, holding it for the long run :)