Ethereum Demystified Meetup-New Delhi (Free Dogecoin inside the post)

in ethereum •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hola folkss!

On Saturday, July 8, the 2nd meetup on understanding the key concepts of Ethereum was held in the capital of India. The meet was organised by "Blockchained India" at 91springboard, Noida. The first event of this series was held a week ago at where the basics of Ethereum and blockchain in general was discussed.


At this meet, the discussion started with a short introduction of attendees. There were more than 70+ people who had come to attend this event which was just unexpected by me atleast. I organise and attend meetups on regular basis but very seldom such a crowd is seen. It was very enriching to find people from different fields,from an expert cryptocurrency trader to a pair of school students who had bought 2 Bitcoins 3 months ago but did't know how to trade them.One of them was a VR developer working on his own project, got interested in the concept of micro-tipping by Dogecoin.A middle-aged man who was into the digital India initiative of the Indian gov. Few of them were representatives from some established firms, then others who were either expert or learning programing on Solidity. I love this kind of meets where I get to meet with so diversed group of people with similar mindset regarding the revolutionary Blockchain technology and Cryptocurrency.


The event hosts were Akshay, Aniruddh and Manav. Akshay is an orator no doubt. This group of people looked dedicated towards contributing to the upliftment and awareness of the Blockchain technology in India.Even I think and wish that India may have missed the early adoption of internet in th 90s but this time we have all the required infrastrucure and human resource to take a lead in the development and adoption of Blockchain technology, since it is considered the next big revolution after the Internet.

Akshay explaining few concepts of decentralised network.

At the end, we got the time to network with people. It was fun,inspiring and exciting to discuss and listen to the great ideas each of them had come up with. I got a sense of feeling that India is moving ahead to take a lead in the Blockchain revolution.

ethereum demystified 2.jpeg
Nothing is complete without a selfie then how can this event huh!!

You can connect with me on social platforms here:

I am giving away few hundred Dogecoins to the community to engage and increase one more transaction in this revolution.

Public Address- D6U4qGkYRWWVEorQPCYNwooiaJZscXDsej

Private Key- 6K5Syr28iUvc7npqB1CuzfdjExRgW7uKeNrcu25mC1b6KrfG7CG

Redeem fast and comment the qty of Doge that you sweep away!!

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Come on people, this gentlemen give away Dogecoins, 19 views and no comments ?.

Great work @mukeshjha, i am from Mexico and we certainly have a vibrant ecosystem around bitcoin but ethereum is catching up also. I have been in meetups of bitcoin and blockchain related subjects of about 100 persons, but there are not too many though of those. I have to say, your post encouraged me to prepare something. I am now following you, please do the same to stay connected.

I was a little busy last couple of days, read your post now. Thanks for those words. Shall definitely be connected to share our knowledge.