RE: Another HUGE Ethereum Token Sale is coming - STOX!

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Another HUGE Ethereum Token Sale is coming - STOX!

in ethereum •  7 years ago 

Floyd is a marketing machine. Like him or not, he can bring attention to crypto. Let's get him on Steemit!

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Agreed @pairmike, we just need one or two big stars to join and the rest will follow rapidly after that. The porn star Janice who wrote the tweet about buying Ethereum would be a welcome addition too! :D

I made my own effort at bringing attention to crypto by writing about a conversation I had with a five year old boy trying to understand the crypto world.


He doesn't have to. He can hire someone who can.

@trwnbc he doesn't need to read, he can pay people to read to him, just like he can pay people to wipe his ass and research ANY topic he wants. I am sure he has many paid finance advisors. He just makes the decisions and above all WINS.

@quinneaker you are right AF! :) He is the boss!

hahhahaa yea ;-)>


Mayweather can read, just not very well because he is dyslexic.

Maybe we shouldn't make fun of people with learning differences.

giphy (3).gif.

good point @aubreyferreira

where he moves, money also moves, like it or not, so it´s better to be there now

He can't read, which just makes him a parrot for others who research into such matters for him, Above all those who are swept up in the image of the man will allocate their funds where he does creating a hype surrounding said investment. People should still be doing their research on any ICO they plan to put money in. And by research I do not just mean read the whitepaper but actually look at source code and commits, checkout the profiles of the figureheads and leaders, do market analysis, see possibility of current and future competitors, and get community feedback. Time will only tell whether this is good idea on part of your average investor but for Mayweather, well he has millions to burn so I don't think he cares very much.

I also want to know


I doubt he would ever get here on steemit

@trendo yes he won't cause he won't waste time posting or reading peoples posts. Just doesn't make sense for him. However he may buy millions of crypto or an new ico. To find out what he is gonna invest in could be a good strategy as he has access and INFLUENCE to the REAL MAINSTREAM!

he will join steemit ike he joined instagram, people always wana be ahead of teh curve and be on a social media site FIRST and no other social media website PAYS you and NOONE isnt impressed by what steemit has going here...and look he doesnt waste his time reading instagram posts eithr or twitter posts i mean SOME posts of course people do respond to and theres maybe some shit talking on twitter or instagram between celebrities or something like that but honestly theres no reason celebrities wont also join steemit... they put so much effort into instagram why not put that effort into steemit as well, alot of them have people doing their social media for them so it is NOt much extra work to simply post stuff top steemit as well as instagram!

Once steemit gets to the size of reddit with 240 million users we will see some major sociopychological changes with peroples perception about steemit

stem at a good solid $10 per steem over the next few years will be a solid factor in peoples perception changing, theyll see that steem is here to stay, that steem as a crypto cuyrrency is stil better than the US dollar maybe not as ideal as Bitcoin but still better than Ethereum or the US dollar in the sense that you will be loosing money in cash but youll make money with steem because it is a crypto currency, it ALSO has the EASIEST form of money transaction of ANY online money system

its not only the easiest crypto currency to use, its the easiest MONEY system top use online! NO other digitla money system works as easy as steem ! With paypal you need to complte so any cpomplicated steps just to send $1 and then even that 41 will end up being like 80 cents after fees and taxes, but with steem you just go into click walet and click send and type in a screen name and thats it! you can add a memo if you wanna adda message but its optional! you just click a button write a name and thats it! u dont have to tell someone some crazy bitcoin address of numbers and letters to allow someone to send you money anywhere in teh world oin minutes for FREE by simply giving them your username! It could literally not be any more simple...its the best crypto currency for money and yet were focused on the social network aspect!
Which i really like! i really enjoy the fact that we have the best money system and dont even mention it! let peopel find it out on their own! and when we need to bost the oprice of steem we just advertse a lil and gain some users!
The fact that we PAY alone is good enough! peopel complaining about steem being an inflationary currency dont understand that it still has to be mined like any crypto currency and that our system is just more efficient than bitcoin which I UNDERTAND why it has to be like that, but over time you learn that thre must be abetter way to run a global money system without al the exohash and terawatts of electricity ging into all those bitcoin miners, and steem is just going to get prettir and clesner and the front end development is gong to be off the chain!

Steem price can wallow around $1 for months and we will all be fine, and then when it hots $2 and $4 and $10 after new features like Bitcoin and ethereum and altcoin walets are added thanks to (bitshares) people will FREAK and join steemit JUSt to better organize all thir coins in ONE place thats EASY to login to!

I Doubt that even his Instagram account his managed by him, he must have a Social Media Specialist managing his social media accounts for sure.

Problem is though, that if the "marketing machines" would join us, Steemit would become more like Instagram. And i don't like that.

I agree !

Good idea to bring him to Steemit!!!

Won't be able to see after Mcgregor is done with him, does Steemit support braille?

McGregor doesn't stand a chance if it is just a boxing match. I think McGregor has to make it a brawl, if he wants to win. I will not be surprised if it is a boring fight. Mayweather takes world class fighters and make the seem like journeymen.

Floyd shows class. His fighting is an art form and when he dodges and runs around and lands punches with such accuracy is why he is the best in the world. McGregor has no chance. Floyd has been boxing for the majority of his entire life. His entire family is in boxing. Floyd is going to win and all the hype to raise bets against him is a way for the casino's to make money.

Boxing is a rigged sport. Just look how Manny Paqau recently lost after he plummeted that New Zealander. I say..McGregor will win by a technical score count. After all, Mayweather knows he is finished with the sport. Time to move on

Manny got ruffed up by the young guy. I thought the fight was close. The guy fought a dirty fight. He was constantly throwing elbows.

McGregor has a punchers chance. If he can do what no one else has done, which is land a knockout shot on Mayweather (a dubious chance but you have to add in Mayweather's age) then he might pull it off. Most likley, Mayweather's defense is too great, so he'll win by decision.

PS always be weary when celebrities, especially ones that can't manage their own finances, start promoting altcoins. Similar to pumping internet stocks in the 90s/2000s. Run the other way

Also, check out my recent article on Bitcoin and McGregor!

Ha. Funny. I like Mr. Fuji to retain the title. Classic heel wwf style

upvoted u just for ur username. Fractals are a great way to undertand how we must decentralize everything and convert everything to blocchains, not just money but schools offices hospitals and workplaces and companies and the whole economy on a boclchain, even romanbcxe like cheaters should be registered so u can do a background check for romance and see if theyve been reported for possible infiedliety in a relationship lol maybe thats going too far

Instant whale!

Clearly they are just paying him for the promo. Guy has no idea what it is.

He is probably as good a marketeer as he is a boxer.