Tips To Learn Solidity On Your Own(Learn 'Solidity - Part 3)

in ethereum •  6 years ago  (edited)

It is important to make the best use of your time and learn Solidity in an efficient way. You can use the tips listed below so that you find learning Solidity more enjoyable.


Tip 1. Keep The Development Environment Simple

Just stick to the Solidity's IDE 'remix' developed by Ethereum. It is very easy to use, has a clean interface, has an inbuilt compiler and a debugger.


Tip 2. Keep Your Smart Contract Simple

Don't begin with a complex project and try to keep things as simple as possible. As you get more comfortable with Solidity and Smart Contracts, you can let the contracts getting more complex. Add one thing at a time and add the complexity gradually.


Tip 3. Use Just One Tool At A Time

Don't download all the software and frameworks that help you with development like Truffle, testrpc, web.js, Embark, etc. Get familiar with one of them and use it for a long time.


Tip 4. Don't Worry Too Much About The Security

It is true that the security is the most crucial element of your smart contracts but try to get your smart contracts working initially. You will probably not be able to make your contracts totally secure right away in the beginning. Stick to the best practices and you will get better at security gradually.


Tip 5. Read The Solidity Documentation

Solidity documentation is your bible and you will always learn what you need to learn from the documentation. You will keep going to the documentation again and again throughout your development process. So, keep the documentation handy all the times with you.

You can save the 'pdf' on your smartphone so that whenever you have a doubt, you can look for it right away. If you make a habit of reading the documentation right from the beginning, it will give you a solid foundation.


Final Words

These are the tips that will help you make the best use of your time when you learn solidity. Besides keeping the Solidity documentation handy, keep the Ethereum documentation handy as well. You will be developing smart contracts in Solidity on the Ethereum blockchain, so you must understand the entire Ethereum infrastructure in great detail.

In the next part, we will start developing our first smart contract.

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