Is Ethereum Classic replacing Ethereum?

in ethereumclassic •  9 years ago  (edited)

What's happening with Ethereum Classic!?

Yesterday when I noticed Ethereum Classic on Poloniex I became very interested, because I was a HUGE believer in Ethereum!

Until the DAO hack happend..

But today I woke up and noticed that all of the ETC that I traded for on Poloniex yesterday had more than DOUBLED in value overnight!

Is Ethereum Classic replacing Ethereum..

Obviously as you see the price of ETC is going up, and the price of ETH is going down. So it looks like everyone is doing the same thing.. basically trading their Ethereum for Ethereum Classic!

Is this a bad thing..?

I don't think so, and let me explain why..

Ethereum was supposed to be the new "World Computer" INTERNET 3.0!

But with the hardfork and change in code pretty much breaking the confidence in the solidity of the code, people are wanting the saftey of knowing that no matter what kind of hack or how big.. the code WILL NOT BE CHANGED..

I think people were really interested in investing in something like that, because of how much it will be needed in the future!

Will people still invest in Ethereum?

I believe as mentioned above that the "original" code is much needed for the future of the crypto-world, and a great long term investment.

But when the price does stabalize I think you will see people flood back into regular ETH while still holding ETC!

Now that Ethereum has changed it's code and showed that they take security very seriously.. I think that it will find it's place in the trading world again :D

As always let me know what you think, and feel free to leave your own links in the comments below :D 

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It's entirely possible. Few people thought it could happen though.

Great post, thanks for filling me in. Saving me a LOT of reasearch :) Take a big fat upvote m8!

Lol thanks!
Trying to add some value on here :D


Yeah I just wonder who Microsoft will go with now..

if all believe that... sure that will happen

Well if all the people making no money on twitter would believe or at least just hear that people are making money on Steemit it would blast out of the Milky Way :D

Good basic article about what they are dealing with. It seems a bit of an advertisement for both since holders of ETC also got equal stake in ETH.

But I do agree this will happen...
I have said from the very beginning of the hangout series that you will see precisely this when there are problems in chains. There is little reason for blockchains, when confronted with potentially existential forks.
Instead of forking and forcing all holders to go one way, it is intelligent to let both exist and at the time of the fork in question give equal stake in the competing fork.

Now the competition is between holders who win EITHER WAY!

Thanks for the input ;)

Thank you :D

And I agree because if you think about it Steemit has STEEM, Steem Dollars, AND Steem Power.. So why can't Ethereum be the same..

Kind of like ETH would be STEEM, and ETC would be STEEM POWER!

It's amazing to see how ETC was doing years ago. For those who are curious, Ethereum Classic was once the same as Ethereum (ETH) as we know it. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, the two camps parted ways through a hard fork.

ETC price hit $134 in 2021 (1st half). However, the bullish trend did not last long and price decreased significantly (2nd half).

Currently, ETC holds 36th place on CoinMarketCap. But will the latest upgrades, development, and changes in the ETC blockchain help the cryptocurrency price to reach higher?

According to CoinQuora Ethereum Classic Price Prediction article, Ethereum Classic bullish price trend ranges from $50 - $65

However, Ethereum Classic is still renowned as one of the top currencies that have the potential to boom.

You can now double spend. you now have ETC and ETH. You can sell one of them and use it for more of the other.

нет навряд ли он победит... ну если так то поглядим, посмотрим)


thanks for info :)

No way.

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

Please stop spamming other people's threads and begging for votes, it won't get you anything and you're damaging your reputation by doing this.