Etherium installation

in etherium •  7 years ago 

How to install Ethernet (Linux Ubuntu)

  1. Download the etherium source code.
    From the Linux prompt, type the following command to download the source code:
    => git clone -b release/1.3.6

[Downloading screen]

  1. Enter the following command to install the Google GO language
    => sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libgmp3-dev golang

[Installation Screen]

  1. After installing the GO language, proceed with the etherium build.
    Enter the following command to proceed with the etherium build.
    => make -C go-ethereum geth

[Etherium build error screen]

[How to handle Ethernet errors]
3-1. Go to the "go-ethereum / build /" directory.
cd go-ethereum / build
3-2. Modify the file.
=> Change the "go1.5" part of line 13 to the version number of the "go version" go language.
[Pre-reform screen]

[After modification screen]

3-3. After saving, run the etherium build command again.
[Etherium build complete screen]

  1. Verify that the etherium build is complete.
    Enter the following command at the prompt.
    => ./go-ethereum/build/bin/geth version

[Etherium installation confirmation completion screen]

  1. Finally, copy "geth" to the directory where the path is set.
    => sudo cp go-ethereum/build/bin/geth /usr/bin/

If you see the above screen, the installation of the etherium is completed.

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