If you are trying to get into these new blockchain games, most likely you will be using MetaMask for trading. ETH gas prices tend to fluctuate a lot and it is important to make sure you are not paying for the full price. Currently at 8:57PM (PST), the price of the gas is 50 GWEI. Believe it or not, a few minutes ago I was paying only 5 GWEI at a SafeLow Speed. I managed to get a few sales in before it went up to 52 GWEI. Remember, you don't always have to pay the standard fee, but those three options are recommended to you. You can check the prices here at anytime. https://ethgasstation.info/
Current Gas Price
Earlier Gas Price
On an unrelated topic, I just heard about this new game https://ethercraft.io/ and it sounds interesting. I got a few free items (minus the gas prices) and I can't wait to see its full potential! Do some research on your own because some of these games could be scamming you.