EtherZero - Next Generation of Smart Contract Platform!

in etherzero •  6 years ago 


Investments ... There are many investment options, some of which are technologies that are relatively new, for example, the blockchain technology, and the cryptocurrency based on it are the newest technologies that can simultaneously shake up a number of industries and investment markets. Cryptocurrency is a digital payment tool, protected from copying and modification. Digital currencies are created, applied without external and internal management, they have no central management. Transactions on the blockchain are performed anonymously using a special key; completed transactions, transactions can not be canceled. Information about cryptocurrency is presented in the form of a continuous chain of blocks, the last of which stores data from a previously valid block, which ensures network continuity. Currently, there are many opportunities to capitalize on the potential of different types of tokens built on the blockchain. The usefulness of tokens has significantly increased and improved over the past year, and since the blockchain is increasingly being introduced into the financial sector, it is natural that companies and investors are looking for ways to use it that will benefit them for many years. EtherZero also keeps up with the times ... EtherZero (ETZ) is the next generation of intelligent contract platform!

EtherZero (ETZ) is a new generation intelligent contract platform (public network) created by a group of professional and technical specialists. Members of his team from around the world. EtherZero (ETZ) legal entity registered in Singapore. In order to better serve the developers and users of DAPP, be it the development of DAPP in the EtherZero chain, the deployment of intelligent contracts or the maintenance of users, everyone pays for TX. As for the transmission speed, EtherZero uses an MPOS structure, which allows TPS to reach tens of thousands of levels. The use of MasterNode allows EtherZero to achieve instant transfer function. The capabilities of the intelligent contract with zero transaction fees, high transaction throughput and real-time transactions ETZ were built on the basis of knowledge of the Masternode + PoW two-layer network and distributed by the autonomous architectural protocol DASH Coin and Clique from Ethereum confirmation. ETZ is a growing and innovative platform, ETZ will always be tuned to compliance with requirements for servicing multi smart contracts and other needs of the blockchain. Currently, ETZ operates in accordance with the new and best consensus of the new version, leaving its previous PoW and its Masternode mechanism for the new configuration using MPoS. ETHERZERO 2.0 is a two-layer network structure that is better than previous ETHERZERO two-layer network version 1.0, which uses the two-layer concept of Masternode and PoW. The ETZ team found that the PoW-based platform might be more susceptible from other network-based hacker attacks compared to the full PoS mechanism.


Of course, most investors do not really understand what a cryptocurrency actually is, and also get confused about how a blockchain can achieve the value of a trustworthy transaction. Although many have already begun to recognize cryptocurrency and blockchain in 2018, because total market capitalization is increasing. To speed up the massive introduction, the public should be familiar with the blockchain. This means that the blockchain and cryptocurrency need an application that can help ordinary people learn more about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, which will have a big impact on their lives. This kind of killer application does not exist independently, but must be built on a public chain of contract development platforms that support some key features. EtherZero is built on these considerations.


ETZ Wallets:


The project team follows a planned development schedule


Below are cryptocurrency exchange, where you can buy ETZ


The EtherZero team is experienced and enthusiastic professionals who make this project a reality. It brought together experts in the field of cryptocurrency, computing systems, mobile technologies and large-scale application development. These people have a huge amount of experience behind their backs! The collective efforts of the team allowed to create a platform that has no analogues.


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