A Bilingual Record of North American Strengths and Failures (Francais/ English)

in ethics •  4 years ago  (edited)

A thorn-plucking bilingual perspective, I gave the Americans and Canadians their dues or tabs. Quebec cannot be left out of the process.

Ils ont pris beaucoup plus qu'ils en ont apporter.

La seul affaire les Quebecois ont pas reussi a voler, la propriete intellectuel.

They cannot reach that far yet.

The individuals who misrepresent Joseph Montferrand, already used the dirty trick for making people sign against their will. Their victims are kept under duress or confinement ..till the desired document is signed.

Investigating the dishonourable, free of charge.

Les Nazis Quebecois bien remunerer, vole meme les enfants. Pour les renommer et ensuite les eduquer "en francais".

C'est pas le bonhomme sept-heure qui les prends, mais un Quebecois assis sur son beigne exaltee derriere un bureau, a magasiner une piscine pour son chalet.

De toute evidence, la mere de ma marraine aussi pouvait etre une de ces victimes (on en sais plus aujourdhui). C'est possible qu'elle a du faire face a un group de gens manipulateurs. Moi ca en fais trois qu'on me manipule ..deux a la mort, un qui est toujours en vie. Il souhait savoir "Est-ce que on va se revoir?" ..deux heures sur dix-sept annees, que le Quebec nous a accorder. Ils sont rendus ou tous les bons vivants?

Qu'ils en prennent des resources, pour accommoder et non detruire les gens indesirables ..les "pas toi."

Vingt annees de prison, ils vont arreter de voler les enfants ..sinon moi je les chasse.

Les anglais ont renommer mon arriere grand-mere, Anna Savage. Les Quebecois ont fait pareillement avec mon fils et ma marraine.

I was 5'2" till the age of 36, now 5'6". For me, this seems like towering above my previous height.

Unless they are stronger and more skilful than Marc-Andre Barriault ..it is already over.

Neither went to ground nor tapped.

I was the first "Polish" guy that he had to face and not win against. I was too small, he was too large ..tried it anyway. A wrestling match ensued with a one hundred pound cat-like ragdoll, upside down over the head of the larger wrestler ..to land back on my feet.

Une truite grise au bout d'une ligne a peche, ca fait quoi? ..un achigan? ..un arc-en-ciel?

Piecka (early sparring), Jotko ..then he overcame Piechota to earn a continuing career in the UFC.

All of the athletes have something to share and learn from.

Geez! ..was I ever hoping the Polish guys were not going to be the end of a career. For an athlete who seemed to have the necessary hardware and software, to succeed as a professional martial combatant. It is easy to consider Wushu a sport and UFC combat, the reality is opposite.

Les livres qui sont avec moi depuis 2001. L'annee du deces de ma mere et le premier enfant devenu avortement par manipulation familial et autre. Ma tete et mon coeur vivent une urgence depuis.


L'appellation de la methode.


Apres vignt annees, je dois les apporter a la bibliotheque de Buckingham (Gatineau).

One person capable of independent thought, is more effective than all of the complacent and counter-productive. A logical solution to justices and individuals who participated in the destruction of the disadvantaged, impoverished and ill. Millions of North Americans behaving as Pilate did. Absolving themselves of guilt, with handwashing money and abuse of data stored within legal documents.


It means the guilty are obliging the resignation of those who question and denounce the injustices taking place. Only the complacent justices remain, as part of the irresponsible group.

The perpetrators claim to have been "just doing their job", the Nuremberg defense (legal study 101).

It is not actually a defense but an acknowledgement of guilt.

Natives are four percent of the populace and thirty percent of the confined. I will NOT ever have mercy for the Nazi justices, either they are confined indefinitely or murdered by the persecuted. It is not a threat but an honourable guarantee.

Lest we forget ..that a job does not excuse injustices.

Since the guilty have taken knives away from their victims, they will need to survive scalping by natives with plastic butter knives. Their fault for denigrating and persecuting, during two decades of living nightmares suffered by those considered undesirable.

Maybe I take my time scalping, twenty years worth.

What REUTERS has to say about those who do not participate in organised religions but live among them. I have been among mentors and shamen, they are mostly concerned with recovering from trauma or injury without synthetic substances nor imposition of anti-social and divisive sociopathies. I have yet to see any sacrifices nor loss of life from shamanistic practices.


I can eat with Hindus now, vegetarian. Who is sacrificing lives?

Twenty years, REUTERS escapes justice for thwarting civilisation by abusing their trust of information. Bush/ Harper Klan sympathisers profited, making each day in North America awkward and awful for the victims of the prejudicial abuses. I was rundown twice by vehicles during 2020. The last time that happened, I was a security guard in the Ottawa Civic Center parking lot (twenty years ago).

All that will remain are the honourable, without the dishonourable skull and the bones.

Since the age of thirteen, the phrase "quadrangles of blue and red" has stayed with and puzzled me. Having contributed to the reconstitution of a French Masonic library, I notice important structures are no longer being built. I fear that in our time, there may be no Masonic architects. "Experts" are still debating whether ancient cultures were capable of making cement. They think the large churches are built using cut stone. There are wooden forms one may have the opportunity to see during a lifetime, if you had to walk by a church each day (ahem). There are faux-stones made from various types and colours of sand, for achieving the required building specifications.


It cannot be the Nazi's crib forever, they cheated to make it happen this long. Abusing of news media organisations which civilians refer to while making important and life-saving choices. Twenty years later, I need to explain for justices, the most basic ethical perceptions.

Canada has been robbed in every way, for over one hundred years. No one has ever investigated nor educated themselves enough to succeed solving the problem. Everyone has their hands in it, their homes built on it ..no one is talking, only taking. The foundations under the homes of the complacent and complicit, are built from the abuse of the undesirable (the elderly, disadvantaged, impoverished and ill). The Catacombs under Paris...


Those who did not want to cleanup after themselves, denigrated others into oppression and slavery.

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