How easy to mine Electroneum (ETN) in a few steps:
Step 1: Download electroneum wallet on Android Phone:…
Or Create online/paper wallet on their website
Step 2: Register and download Minegate from here:
When you open the Minergate program go to View menu and mark Show other Pools.
Now you should see next to the MinerGate Logo the following : Wallet, Start Miner, Miner, Other Pools, Benchmark, Achievements.
Go to Other Pools and write the following :
For Dysplay Name: ETN
For Pool URL : stratum+tcp://
Pool Login : !!! your wallet address !!!
This is how you get your wallet address:go to the app, go to wallet, select receive and copy the address.
And you click "add pool"
Step 3 Depending of your hardware you can select how many cores you want to mine with, I go for max on both CPU and GPU.
Step 4 Click on Start Mining on CPU and if available on GPU.
Congratulations, now you are mining Electroneum.
If you are using the mobile wallet, please go to More, Earn Free Coins, Enter a code and enter this code:A37243
If you think this guide is helpful please consider donating to the following address.
ETN: etnkDMhB8rLExrjJitrmEFQDgxzSiToJXAPT1Jb3tXHdJLpvN8jYXGpUkcmKX5kKi1LxMzxrVotivWgedoUiJbqp3Epg9UB1GA