Response to the sons of daughters of bitches in the EU, macron, merkel and the enemy in the schuman and others so called think thank (globalist tools)

in eu •  7 years ago 
  1. you son and daughters of bitches, lackey and native genocidists, why do you count the dead in the sea (30k since 2k) and not all the rapes, murders, thieves, loss of liberty and happyness that those invaders inflicted...

just for this denial you derserve military trial and wall executions. traitors will die and pay, and to pay they will die.

  1. fortress europe is ON ! build and maintain by the US MIIC to lock down the atlantic wall so that fuckers like you, when you will have to be eliminated, will not necessitate another beach landing... because let's face, you didn't evolve, you fight the us constitution, you fight the bill of rights, you hate the constitutional principles of the USA (free speech, right to bear arms, right to say that fucking islam is not a religion in the sense you understand it, but a full on life style, the right to have a jury by the peers and not some shit show, the TOTAL and UNNEGOCIABLE (including by the death potuses, to tell you how serious it is) surrendering of US MILITARY COURTS, by the peers from a ... (lots of problems can arise) and co... You hate america, worst you hate REAL AMERICA... no problem... you are a little minority, bent on serving kings, and others no life..... ...... ........ red coats, blue coats, same shit show ! I don't care if it's kansas, alabama, california, wisconsin or alaksa, from detroit to la... fuck you euro shit... not even able to have any value... I have big problem with you.... big, big in the sense, invasion, wipe out, restart.... and of course fortress isn't paid by americans :D.

  2. fortress is a non negotiable. or it's eugenism and killing massive amount of population in the third world or it is the wall... I feel way more confortable knowing that people are dying beyond the euro wall and the natural reserve walls (with auto drones watching to save the few lefts, whose values start to be in the 100k of humans) than having to go in vicious (bio attacks) or what ever to wipe those population... they want to breed like coackroaches... their problems, not mine, but may their mothers know that their scam of breeding to have income will fail... epic (and by the native there too)....

  3. you fucks, better start to learn what is an exponential and how compounding work... if you have 1 nano bot that can reproduce it self in 1ms how long does it take for those robots to reach 1 quadrillions units? it took less than a ns for the AI to answer this stupid trivial question... ressources limitation will slow the rate of doubling at this ms with a fair amount of probablility close to 99.99999999999999999999999999999 with so many more that your fucking formated brain will never be able to grasp.

  4. you are such shit bags, you only help military aged men, who should be growing, bananas, weed, coca or cacao or invent or apply what ever new tech to their local market AND NEVER THOSE IN REAL NEED, aka the women raped, never, the young and the orphans, never, the old never... only those military aged men to feed the hypergamist tendencies of the bitches you call politicians, lawyers or what ever crap they have been able to sell you... fuck you.

  5. when you deny the supremacy of the native in land, and worst tolerate and enhance the rape of the native populations (how many girls son and daughters of bitches, just 1400 for a total pop of 14k in telford uk), don't whine when your expeditive trial for treason will beginning... you are just reverse nazi, wipe the natives, inflict insecurity, inflict tolerance to backward totally lost so called culture (apes have better cultures) by people who left their family behind to seek wealth to please their mamas... fuck that... and worst when you let those rapists, thieves and others foreign born criminal walk away after from 1 to 20 years of jail, fuck you... you are the inhuman, you are not humans, and as such your extermination can't be a crime or anything but good purging.

you out. you to hashes.

ps. go to street of spain and see the hordes roaming... I saw one once still a bag of a girl, she fall on the ground like a shit, could have killed herself, then the thief ran... and ran, she runned after him, me like a fucking bastard, I watched, no military support, no black water sniper in the area, I will not do the hero, but running the african looked back at the girl and then he hit full speed a road iron bar (to block car) feel in the ground violently, regrouped and run away, then I went to the girl, she had pee on herself, was angry, but she didn't know how lucky she was... those things hate the west, they believe we stole from then (of course the plan of their secret moon base and the wheel) and that they are some kind of superior race, the proud masai warrior ( so fucked they can't even marry who they want).

so fuck you shit... and see you at your trial.

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