Millions of innocent women killed the funeral field, revealing the European hunting witch movement through

in europeans •  7 years ago 


Recently, the Japanese famous animation series launched hand tour Fate / Grand Order (insisted fgo) on-line new limited character "Joan of Arc Alter". In the game, after the fall of Gilles? Germany Rice, with the Holy Grail will be their minds of Joan of Arc to re-shape his understanding, the birth of the role is black Zhen. Historically, whether Joan of Arc or Gilles de Les has naturally, they have not only saved the French comrades together, but they also have one thing in common that they are involved in "witchcraft" And was tried, and finally miserable and died. Unlike the masters of Joan of Arc, Gilles de Rice, the French marshal's witchcraft offense is indeed a real evil, he killed a lot of children to study witchcraft can be described as sinful, Joan of Arc or Gilles de Rice is the sad French marshal, behind them is hidden in the Christian world is a very dark history - hunting witch movement.


Want to say that the European witch hunting must be traced back to the spread of Christianity, Christianity just appeared when only a small branch of Judaism. And later gradually developed, in the period of Constantine the Great, in order to be able to split the Roman Empire has been unified again. Constantine the emperor to Christianity as the Roman Empire of the state religion, hoping to rely on Christianity to their own national unity from the spiritual level.


▲ Constantine the Great

Before the Roman Empire in the religious field has been pursuing a liberal policy, the conquered nation to a large extent to retain their religion, and the Romans themselves have their own set of religious systems. Before the advent of Christianity, the three most influential religions of the Mediterranean were the polytheans of the Greeks and Egyptians, as well as the Druids taught by the European barbarians. Under the protection of the Roman Empire, Christians, on the one hand, through their own doctrines to attract the upper classes of Rome and civilians, on the other hand, Christianity also launched a large number of public opinion offensive, they will Greece, Egypt and Druids are dedicated to the gods Consciously and unintentionally linked to the devil in Christianity. Those who believe in these religions, especially the priests of these religions, naturally become followers of the devil in Christianity. In this way, Christianity in the doctrine of the legitimacy of attacks on these religions. Under the protection of the Roman Empire, Christians can attack these ancient religions without fear, without fear of these religions for their own counterattack.


Roman churches of Roman times

With the demise of the Western Roman Empire, the repeated war between the barbarians and the destruction of the re-conquest of the Eastern Roman Empire, Western Europe fell into the dark ages. For the sake of Christianity, these Roman-era barbarians chose to bow to the Christian forces in order to be able to better rule their own land. After the protection of these new states, the Christian priests are raging to the legend of these peoples and the gods, all interpreted as demons and confused demon behavior. However, unlike the Roman era, although the forces of the church in the Middle Ages in Europe occupied the cultural dominance and even the right to explain, but whether it is the invasion of the Vikings, the Arab pirates ravaged the Mediterranean, the Crusades, Mongolian invasion, the European medieval period Of Christianity in all respects, often by the impact of countless real forces. So the skepticism and critics of Christianity are actually much more than we thought, and these people naturally became the focus of the Western European Catholic Church alert and deal with the object.


Medieval Church

Unlike the present film and television works, before the Renaissance, witch alchemy, astrology, these are not completely taught by the church as evil things, on the contrary, these later classified as mystic things, in the Middle Ages tend to be For the science of justice. Many alchemists, astrologers will not be treated as a degenerate with the devil. On the contrary, these people are often nobles and even the church seat guests, and many priests themselves will often master some astrology. But the treatment of witchcraft will be much more dangerous, because the witchcraft is determined by the Church of the devil worshipers through the power of the devil. But this does not mean that nobles will communicate with the wizards who are disgusted by the church, and for the aristocracy, the church will often take an eye-catching attitude without any harm. Of course, like Gilles? De Laesi this too far from the behavior of the church will certainly not let go.


The instruments used by astrologers

But the church's ambiguous attitude towards witchcraft and wizards, in the second half of the 15th century, has undergone tremendous changes. In 1484, the Roman Pope British Nathan VIII issued a decree. Two years later, the monks Heinrich Kramer and Jekobs Sprint co-published the book "Wizard of Hercules," a book, and further from the content to supplement the imperial Nasan VIII's Royal Decree. For the wizard, especially the witch, the church launched a very harsh action. After that, Protestant countries have done more extreme in this respect. Thus, the publication of the Hammer of Witch represents the beginning of a long and dark witch hunting in Europe.


▲ "Witch of the Wizard" for the way to test the witch

The witch movement was opened at this time, and there was a big reason why the church began to weaken the control of European Catholic forces in the 15th century. With the beginning of the Renaissance, more and more new ideas and expectations of the liberation of the people began to flock to Europe, but the liberation of the Renaissance also has a very strong male color. In the 14th century to the beginning of the 15th century, the horrors of the black death of the dead has gradually ended, when the population continues to increase, people from the black death of the shadow has come out, the status of women because of the growing labor force and even began to decline gradually The This contradictory and deformed society developed into a fuse for the witch movement.


The spread of the witch movement was closely related to the "religious reform" that changed the history of Europe. Protestant reformers, represented by Martin Luther, had a great impact on the traditional Catholic power, which made the Catholic power a hysterical The At the same time, with the Catholic Church between the extreme hostility, the war continued Protestant camp began to become extreme.


▲ because of religion caused by three decades of war

European religious issues in the 16th and 17th centuries swept from the most eastern Moscow Grand Duke to the west of Spain, with the arrival of the Little Ice Age, the whole of European society in a chaotic situation. At the same time, hunting witch movement in the 17th century has reached its peak, whether Protestant or Catholic country, the wizard has not only a pagan attack, even in many places, the wizard will be used to appease the trial By the natural disasters, diseases and even the military areas of the people. Finally, the hunting witch began to expand further, many women as long as they are considered misbehavior, or even just "think" a witch suspects, will be sent to the shaman trial. The most aristocratic Orthodox states of the Grand Duchy of Moscow also appeared to be regarded as cults Novgorod faction, Dagong Ivan III's daughter-in-law because they are considered and these cults are infected and brutally exiled.


▲ witch trial

The so-called "shaman trial", which is considered a witch, is in fact a very cruel process. After a woman is considered a witch suspect, before they accept the ruling will be some experiment. For example, put a red metal plow on the ground to let the poor woman go up, if her feet are not subject to a little burn so she is innocent, there is the suspect into the water, if the suspects sink Drowned in water. Then she is innocent, and if she surfaced it would be considered guilty. Those who can not prove their innocence in a variety of almost metamorphosis of the experiment, waiting for their will be a gallop or a fire field.


▲ burn the witch

In the 17th century, the wolves in Europe were accompanied by wars, and the occurrence and dislocation of natural disasters were the same. But this behavior has continued until the 18th century in Europe gradually stopped, experienced a full three centuries of absurd and disaster-like years, countless women on this because of a variety of inexplicable reasons and death camp, had to let People sigh feeling Perhaps the development of human civilization is also like light and shadow, the stronger the light, the film will become increasingly shudder.

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