Evergreen All that is Ever Green, Ever Given and Soylent! All the soiling and undoing in the Biggest Red Pill EVER GIVEN! The flagrant violations in the Evergreen Nursing Home documented that Burned to the Ground

in evergreen •  3 years ago  (edited)

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Some of the largest Red Pills Ever Given concerning Evergreen directly to the public.

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It's just as we were told. . .Some Would Choose Not to Know even in the Face of Blatant Evidence.
That's their choice, we don't Force as the other side does. Their hostility is palpable!

There are two groups in our society Without a voice.
The Elderly
God stated,
Proverbs 31:8
Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction

Those FightingTheGoodFight can clearly see those who try to speak up and advocate are censored, mocked, belittled and slammed.

God said it would be this way.
The hater's hearts are hardened like Pharaoh's and isn't it Biblical that Ever Given blocked passage to the Red Sea!
God's people SEE the significance First Hand.

This is meant to break wide open the abuses and lack of adequate care in many facilities across the country as stated by INC.
The New Booming Market? Aging Baby Boomers

There is the

  • Evergreen Marine Corporation, is a Taiwanese container transportation and shipping company headquartered in Luzhu District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan.

do the numbers seem uncanny? Reported by Forbes. .. A dust storm where wind speeds reached 30 knots (55.56 kilometers per hour) caused the ship to deviate from its course, a suspected cause of the mishap,
check out these numbers. . .Ever Given has more than 20,000 containers on board and It has been holding up £6.5billion a day in global trade.

  • The Evergreen Nursing home in New York that went up in flames. Check out source to see flagrant violations documented from this facility that used to be a summer resort called the Bader's Hotel.

According to Rockland/Westchester Journal News
The department, responsible for the oversight and surveillance of adult care facilities, cited Evergreen for 27 violations from Oct. 1, 2016 to Sept. 30, 2020.

The citations covered environmental standards, such as cleanliness; resident services, such as treatment of clients and paperwork covering state issues and disputes; and ensuring procedures to provide a proper dosage of medications.

There have been no enforcement actions against the operator of the facility during its current reporting period, according to the department's profile on the Lafayette Street facility. The department didn't return requests for more information.

  • A truck carrying an Evergreen container caused a massive traffic jam on a busy expressway in China, reported Taiwan News.

Interesting numbers wouldn't you say? The Panama-flagged Ever Given delayed US$9.6 billion in maritime traffic per day.
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  • Jen Psaki As reported by Paletina Komitee. . .
    Psaki has operated a communications firm called Evergreen Consulting since a month after President Barack Obama left office.

This covers the period when AnyVision faced a public relations crisis over its alleged complicity in Israel’s abuses of Palestinian rights.

  • Evergreen was Hillary Clinton's Secret Service code name. ..never fear, JFK was the Lancer, JFKjr the Lark and Jacqueline. . .LACE. Veil lifting anyone?

Evidence with full sources inside of here,

Never forget. . .

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See more info taken from Facebook Frames 3.29.2021
Some of the biggest Red Pills Ever Given concerning Evergreen directly to the public.
It's just as we were told. . .Some Would Choose Not to Know even in the Face of Blatant Evidence.
That's their choice, we don't Force as the other side does. Their hostility is palpable!
There are two groups in our society Without a voice.
The Elderly
God stated,
Proverbs 31:8
Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction
Those FightingTheGoodFight can clearly see those who try to speak up and advocate are censored, mocked, belittled and slammed.

Facebook Frames 3.25.2021

One might say it's uncanny
Perhaps just a little Eery
Cue Twilight Zone music!
Associated Press and Newsweek state,
At least 150 ships are waiting to transit the Suez Canal in Egypt, where a giant container ship remains stuck after becoming grounded on Tuesday.
Satellite images shared on social media show the ship lodged in a diagonal position in the waterway, blocking all traffic across the canal, which connects the Mediterranean to the Red Sea.
Let's break just the numbers down.
To decode for 150 drop zero
15 reversed is 51



This is another version and MUST SEE!

Another SATIRE vid (have to say that for Zuck, his hater mods and the normies because they don't get stuff and they LOST their sense of humor)
on the Ever Given From Evergreen.

The BIGEST RED PILL Ever Given! Thank you to all who continue to FightTheGoodFight No Matter What!
Specifics. ..
Ever Given is a

  • Golden-class container ship
  • among the largest container ships in the world.
  • It is owned by Shoei Kisen Kaisha
  • time chartered and operated by Taiwanese container transportation and shipping company Evergreen.

Evergreen Marine Corporation, is a

  • Taiwanese container transportation and shipping company
  • headquartered in Luzhu District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan.

Think MODES of Transportation.
Hillary Clinton Secret Service Codename EVERGREEN.
Evergreen Nursing Home fire broke out on 3.23.2021
As reported by ABC channel 7 in New York

A nursing home in Rockland County, New York, collapsed after a raging inferno blazed for hours early Tuesday morning, killing one resident and a firefighter.
Same day as Evergreen got stuck in the Suez Canal cutting off the rout to the RED SEA.

Seems events are happening on a Biblical Scale.

Are there Coincidences?

Every Anon, Guardian of Children/Warrior will readily state, ThereAreNoCoincidences!
God is sweeping through the world showing people the literal war between Good and Evil.
Hearkens back to an Even in 2019 that occurred Just Prior to a certain pandmic breaking out.
Who remembers Event 201 put on by B
ll G^t_s in conjunction with the Wo^ld E$onomic Fo(um on the Exact Same Day as the 7th World Military Games held in Wuhan China which Praised the UN (came about from R*thschild's League of Nations) in their opening ceremony and throughout on 10.18.2019
Right after a military drill in Wuhan, China on 9.18.2019

But hey. . .Nothing to see here folks, just move along and Enjoy your programming along with the praise of Globalist Elites and Entities.

Documentation and verification with source links will be provided in the comments of this original post.
To access click on the time stamp underneath my name.
Enjoy the Show!

See full sources in comments here,


Latest Report from 3.25.2021
Evergreen Hillary's Nickname the nursing home in New York and ABC hacking claims for V machines.
Fully sourced.
Hear from ABC how all are hackable including modes of transport and medical machines. ..YES medical is hackable.
All the implications of Evergreen. ..
Whose SS nickname?
What was the name of the Nursing Home where Fire Broke out recently?
There were Literal Booms as according to Newsweek. ..An explosion occurred and several injuries were reported, according to media outlet Belaaz. There were also reports of people trapped in the building.
What are people going to have to Wake Up to?
Why do you suppose they do Not want to deal with reality and would rather be cozy for themselves in their own delusional illusion carefully crafted by those who control the narrative and the Money?
Hear about the hackers at DEF Con some as young as 5 years old able to make mince meat of the very hardware and software the nefarious claimed was Unhackable. Anyone in the industry of IT knows First Hand NOTHING is unhacakble and This is verified in ABC's report. Will your overlords Allow you to view as ABC is considered MSM?
The Powers that be are blatantly and boldly shadow banning me, so thank you ahead of time to all anons, Guardians and Warriors who share and get the truth out there. Godspeed!


The Fray - You Found Me (with lyrics) + HQ

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Reported in the New York Times,

But this is no linoleum-floored community center reeking of bleach. Instead, it’s one of eight vanguard centers owned by InnovAge, a company based in Denver with ambitious plans. With the support of private equity money, InnovAge aims to aggressively expand a little-known Medicare program that will pay to keep older and disabled Americans out of nursing homes.

A baby boom-propelled surge in government health care spending is coming. Medicare enrollment is expected to grow by 30 million people in the next two decades, and many of those people are potential future clients. Adding to the allure are hefty profit margins for programs like these — as high as 15 percent, compared with an average of 2 percent among nursing homes — and geographic monopolies that are all but guaranteed by state Medicaid agencies to ensure the solvency of providers.

The goal of the program, known as PACE, or the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, is to help frail, older Americans live longer and more happily in their own homes, by providing comprehensive medical care and intensive social support. It also promises to save Medicare and Medicaid millions of dollars by keeping those people out of nursing homes.

“PACE is still a secret in the minds of the public,” Andy Slavitt, Medicare’s acting administrator, said at the National PACE Association meeting in April. The challenge, he said, was to make PACE “a clear part of the solution.”

Sure makes you wonder if people should be considering All of their options rather than limited ones when you see reviews like this,

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See link below this image
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Facebook Frames Questions about container shipping. Which family built up Ports and how does it all connect to Ept$in?*


Short and worth the watch, recorded from a link Great Guardian Tom Tran gave me.

Short and worth the watch

Another company historically that became predatory.

They didn't start out this way, when Henry Nestle created the company he was trying to solve a problem.

Sadly when he sold out, were the controllers of the company caught in some unethical and alleged predatory practices? You decide.

They used underhanded and all out lying tactics to convince mothers their formula was better than breastfeeding. This included in third world countries where the water was contaminated and mother's used it to mix the baby formula Nestle produced and attempted to sell in mass by having woman who were not nurses dress up as nurses and go door to door convincing them to switch to formula. These women posing as nursing received commissions.

Nestle also convinced doctors in hospitals to push their product. Does this sound like history repeating itself from something we all recently experienced and watched go down?

By the way, Nestle was initially started by a pharmacist, then when he wold his company all sorts of conglomerates were purchased. They ended up having Quite the reach in the food and pharma industry. Do you find that interesting?

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Every Parent Should Know The Scandalous History Of Infant Formula


Nestlé baby milk scandal has grown up but not gone away


Professionalism/The Nestlé Infant Formula Scandal


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Has Nestle preyed on people's water shortages in the past? You decide!

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Do they buy up the natural water supplies and create a shortage, then target places with shortages? You decide!

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Except they didn't did they?

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Nestle's response was always the same.

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Documentary. The Dark Side Of Chocolate

It was reported that children as young as 8 were forced to work 7 days a week and got paid as little as $1.00 an hour for their work.

This happened with other companies, what was disgusting was they seemed to do anything about it unless they got negative press.

In 2002 Nestle was demanding $6 million from the government of Ethiopia, one of the poorest countries in the world. Why?

At the time Nestle was demanding the money, there was a sever famine threatening the life of 15 million people.

When the story was picked up, Nestle did a turn about and sued for 1.5 million instead and vowed to reinvest it into the country's economy.
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There was claimed price fixing by Nestle in 2012 which they were investigated for.

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They made deals with other companies,

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Nestle denied it by arranged for a $9 million dollar settlement the following year.

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There were allegations that Dog Food produced by Nestle, Purina Pet Care resulted in serious illness and deaths of thousands of dogs.

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Nestle and other high profile companies have terrible pollution stats and here they are producers of products people put into their bodies. Should humanity be aware of what they are consuming and taking both internally and externally? You decide!

Should people trust companies like this?

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Nestle continues to grow and become even more powerful as they have acquired so many companies, many don't realize when they are purchasing from Nestle.

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See evidence here,

Nestlé's Darkest Secret: The Disturbing Truth

























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Great find! I'm sure your also aware of Hillary Clintons Secret Service Code Name being EVERGREEN as well. Here is a few more links for your audience.

Hillary R. Clinton’s USSS Code Name “EVERGREEN”:




PROOF of children being trafficked in cargo ships:


All search results on EVERGREEN:


YES, HRC's codename. ..Evergreen.
Did you see where the Ever Given was on it's way towards?
Very Interesting. ..

The ship, which sails under a Panamanian flag, was headed for Rotterdam, Netherlands, from the Yantian district of China, according to the ship-tracking site Vessel Finder.

Which is All sorts of interesting considering Rodham inside of her name. ..and the significance that something Really IS rotten!

Not to mention those Panama Papers.

Also interesting that JFK's SS codename was Lancer
JaCQUEline's. ..Lace
JFKjr.'s. . .the LARK

Did a fb post on them here,

I had know idea of EVERGREENs shipping route, I'll defiantly be linking your information to the rest of my community over at https://www.themillennialbridge.com/, thanks for the awesome investigative journalism and upvotes :)

@millennialbridge Thank You!
Stellar links!
