One of the most mind-blowing chapters I read this year came from A Hunter-Gatherers Guide to the 21st Century, in which Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying. Basically, they talk about things that are literally false while being metaphorically true.
Specifically, there's a region in Guatemala wherein farmers plant crops based on the phase of the moon. They do this under the false belief that the phase of the moon has a direct effect on the yield of their crops. Their belief is literally false; but, because they follow the belief, they do get better crop yields because everything comes in at the same time and parasites can't eat it all. So, the belief in a falsehood actually manifests in positive outcomes in the real world.
This is kinda how I've come to think of stuff like astrology.
It's all pseudoscience, and bullshit; but, the reality is that when we are born during the course of the year can play a big role in how we develop.
It is true that beliefs in things that are false can accidentally lead to people behaving in ways that are beneficial.
This is no way to suggest that certain "elites" should lie for the greater good -- they shouldn't. This is simply an interesting phenomenon.