Human evolution and the Nature of God

in evolution •  8 years ago  (edited)

The God-Source consciousness field, the mind/body of source is an eternal, sentient, infinite, loving, unquantifiable thought field of living energy-consciousness. It can also be known simply as the “Unified field”. Our contemporary religions frequently refer to this as “God.” Within the energetic field of Source, Source creates partitions or bubbles within which there is now a quantifiable amount of Source energy/consciousness. This partitioned energy has free flow to and from the greater source consciousness field in much the same way that water passes through cellular membranes in a biological organism.


Within this energetic “membrane” the partitioned portion of Source energy-consciousness changes its form through directed thought, intention and desire. The Source energy- thought field transforms and crystallizes, to consciously become a kaleidoscope of living interrelated geometric forms within the creation bubble.

Hubble Deep Field Photos and Wallpapers  Earth Blog.jpg
The Hubble Telescop deep field exposure

These forms are still composed of, and cognated by Source but have taken on a seemingly more individuated form, compared to the much larger undifferentiated consciousness field of Source.
These ‘geometric entities’ form an ordered field of living, sentient, uniquely encrypted, geometric thought forms within the creation bubble, which further crystallize into progressively more dense states of matter, giving rise to manifest, living energetic systems with the appearance of individual physical form, such as galaxies, solar systems, and celestial bodies inhabited with even smaller expressions of Source, such as oceans, plants, animals, elements and other life forms with sentient consciousness and free will choice in how to direct its own energy. Physically separated forms are still energetically, spiritually and consciously connected through the Ubiquitous, Eternal Unified field.

All of these expressions of Source are still part of Source and are made of Source energy. Source cognates simultaneously, all parts of it self, objectively and subjectively, at every moment whether in individuated form or part of the undifferentiated Source consciousness field. Not a quark, nor a grain of sand, is unknown or unloved by Source. Source can feel the interaction between the atoms of a leaf and the atoms in the feet of a butterfly upon which it sits.

All creation occurs within the mind/body of Source. Being “outside” of source is not a possible condition of creation since Source is all there is, eternal an infinite in nature.

Quite simply:

Evolution is the progressive partitioning and individuation of God-Source consciousness energy into seemingly ‘individuated’ manifest forms – to grow, learn and experience, and then to re-merge these forms beyond the illusion of separation and individuated form, to once again re-unite into the fullness of itself. It is through this experience and learning that source more fully comprehends the nature of itself and evolves. Source changes with us all. We are all God-Source.

Our contemporary scientists are correct when they say that energy is never created or destroyed buy merely changes from one form to another. What is not yet comprehended by science is that consciousness is energy and energy is consciousness and all things are made of energy. Therefore, all things are conscious.
When this fact is realized, the eternal nature of conscious identity will be comprehended, and there will no longer be separation between the current paradigms of religion and mainstream science.

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