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in exchange •  8 years ago 

How To Use Your Ruby Currency Converter to exit the country

Converting currencies by using our Ruby Exchange Rate API is as easy as posting a HTTP request. Your requests would need to follow this simple pattern:

Here are some examples in Ruby code:

  1. Simple Currency Conversion (in Ruby):

To convert from 12.50 USD (US Dollar) to GBP (British Pound):
require 'net/http'
from_curr = "USD"
to_curr = "GBP"
amount = 12.50
host = ""
http =, 80)
url = "/"+from_curr+"/"+to_curr+"/"+amount+"?k=API_KEY"
response = http.get(url)
puts response.body

Or to get how many Japanese Yen (JPY) there are to the South African Rand (ZAR):

require 'net/http'
host = ""
http =, 80)
response = http.get("/zar/jpy/?k=API_KEY")
puts response.body

Error Codes:

The API returns the following error codes:

    1. If an invalid amount is used (must be numeric floating point or integer numbers)
    1. If either of the 3 letter currency codes are invalid (Check our supported currencies)
    1. If an invalid key is used (Get an API key)
    1. If your monthly API query limit is reached (Click here for extended usage)
    1. If an unresolvable IP address is provided (This only applies for our "Automatic Country/Flag Information" query.)

2. Automatic Currency Detection/Conversion (in Ruby):

To convert from 12.50 USD (US Dollar) to your user's currency:

require 'net/http'
host = ""

http =, 80)
ip = request.env['REMOTE_ADDR']

 url = "/auto/USD/"+ip+"/12.50?k=API_KEY"
 response = http.get(url)
 result = response.body

 return_array = result.split('|')
 converted_amount = return_array[0]
 symbol_unicode = return_array[1]
 currency_code = return_array[2]

 puts converted_amount #FINAL CONVERTED AMOUNT
 puts currency_code #FINAL 3-DIGIT CURRENCY CODE (EG: USD)

 #If you want to display the currency's symbol in HTML:
 symbol_html = ""
 symbol_characters = symbol_unicode.split(',')
 symbol_characters.each { |x|
 symbol_html = symbol_html+"&#"+x+";"
 puts symbol_html #FINAL SYMBOL HTML (EG: $)

3. Automatic Country/Flag Information (in Ruby):

To retrieve your user's national flag and other country information:

require 'net/http'
host = ""
http =, 80)

ip = request.env['REMOTE_ADDR']

url = "/country_info/"+ip+"?k=API_KEY"
response = http.get(url)
result = response.body

return_array = result.split('|')
country_name = return_array[0]
country_code_2 = return_array[1]
country_code_3 = return_array[2]
currency_code = return_array[3]
symbol_unicode = return_array[4]
flag_url = return_array[5]

puts country_name #FINAL COUNTRY NAME
puts country_code_2 #FINAL 2-DIGIT COUNTRY CODE (EG: US)
puts country_code_3 #FINAL 3-DIGIT COUNTRY CODE (EG: USA)
puts currency_code #FINAL 3-DIGIT CURRENCY CODE (EG: USD)

#If you want to display the currency's symbol in HTML:
symbol_html = ""
symbol_characters = symbol_unicode.split(',')
symbol_characters.each { |x|
symbol_html = symbol_html+"&#"+x+";"
puts symbol_html #FINAL SYMBOL HTML (EG: $)

For more information the site below is a great way to become self-aware of your time. :D

Shout-out to @steemfest !!

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