It's no small secret that getting onto multiple exchanges is the desire of many crypto communities as people see it as the surest way to increase the value of their project. Whether or not this is actually true is still up for debate, but the people still want it regardless.
Here is a short proposal focused on the project but usable in all projects, that will help crypto projects to plan properly for the inevitable ransom that these exchanges often demand.
Exchange Fund Proposal
This is a simple proposal to start a fund and have it stake on the cryptosi delegate, or whichever delegate suits the community. The purpose of this fund is to simply lay dormant until reaches a certain marketcap at which time the fund will be worth 50K. At this point the fund should be converted to BTC and used as ransom money to propel onto some of the largest exchanges in crypto.
Depending on the amount of time it takes for the fund to reach the required level the fund will have increased in lwf value, this profit should be put into another fund for a similar purpose at a future date, or perhaps just added to the marketing delegation fund.
The overall idea for this fund is just to plan in advance and with a proper target in mind, projects can build momentum and turn a rising price into a warchest to fuel further project development.
Thanks for considering my proposal
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