Hello everyone it is Televisionize and in today’s blog I will be showing you guys how to get a flat stomach with some of these exercises that I have done some research. So here are some of the exercises:
1 Forwards Bends
This exercise is as good as abs exercises like crunches or sit-ups, it develops a muscle called rectus abdominals which is a long flat stomach which flex the spinal column and it will give you a flat stomach.
- Sit in a chair, put your hands behind your head (You can lace your fingers together)
- Slowly bend forword, and then return to the initial position
- Don’t use your hands, use your abs to do the work
Recommendations: 15 bends
2 Knees to the chest
This exercise allows you to train both your rectus abdominals muscle and obliques plus even your thigh muscles get a nice workout too.
- Sit in your chair (Relax your body)
- Bend and pull your right leg to your chest, wrap your hands around your right knee and hold it in this position for 30 seconds.
- Return to the initial position (Do this 15 times), then repeat the same with your left leg (Do this 15 times)
3 Leg raises
This exercise might be more difficult but you need to involve your leg is to develop the muscles of your upper and lower abs. Plus, this exercise is great for getting a flatter stomach.
- Make sure the chair is sturdy and grip the sides of the chair outside your thighs for support on this one
- Sit in the middle of the seat and lean back on the back of your chair (Keep your back straight ams your legs together)
- Pull your knees toward your chest and hold it in this position for 3 seconds.
- Straighten your legs and keep them up at least 3 seconds
- Bend your knees once more and pull them back towards your chest then straighten your legs out again
Recommendations: 10 times
4 Knee circles
This exercise is very effective for training your upper and lower abdominal muscles as well as your obliques, it might also be hard but you will get used to it.
- Sit in the middle of the seat, lean back , hands holding the chair p, and legs together
- Lift your bent legs up off the floor and draw a circle in the air with your knees.
Recommendations: 10 clockwise circular motions
10 counterclockwise ones
5 Scissors
This exercise doesn’t just only work your abs but it also your inner thighs
- Lean back on the chair with both hands gripping the sides of the chair for support
- Lift your straighten legs off the floor and cross them together at the knees
- Spread them to the sides and then cross them again. Imagine that your legs are a pair of scissors opening and closing for 1 minutes.