Why I Traded California for Chile

in expatriation •  8 years ago  (edited)

Interview: Tanisha Mendieta on Valdivia and the Fort Galt Project by Fergus Hodgson.

Recently I made the trip to Valdivia in southern Chile, and got to meet a couple of expats during my stay. That included Tanisha Mendieta from Los Angeles, California, and she agreed to share her experience with others who may be interested in taking the plunge.

1. Valdivia is a long way from California: why such a drastic change and not another part of the United States?

I chose to move to Valdivia due to the exciting Fort Galt project, which I first learned about in the summer of 2014 on Facebook. It’s the ideal intentional community that I’d been searching for in Chile, which is designed to be a supportive and inspiring environment for liberty-minded entrepreneurs and their families, and it offered affordable living options which was a huge plus. I grew up in southern California where the cost of living is high, and the cost for starting a business has become increasingly prohibitive and undesirable. As the federal government continued to expand and erode individual liberties throughout the country, I knew it was time to get the hell out of Dodge and find a place outside the United States that would be less intrusive, and provide a greater degree of economic freedom and quality of life for myself and my future family. For me, that was Chile.

2. Do you foresee a long-term home in Chile, or are you still in the wait-and-see stage?

It’s probably too soon to tell right now, as the Fort Galt project is still in its early stages, and the goal is to expand the project into other countries in the future. I like the idea of having Chile as a home base while still having the freedom and flexibility to travel to other similar communities across the world. There may be another country I’ve yet to visit that I would like even more than Chile, so I think it’s important to keep my options open.

3. Many people tout Latin America, and Chile in particular, as a haven to escape to. How does it exceed or fall short of expectations?

Right. One of the reasons why I was persuaded to move to Chile is because it ranked highest out of all the Latin American countries in terms of economic freedom and stability. As far as my expectations for living standards are concerned, I can say that most of them have been met, at least here in southern Chile where I live. There’s an abundance of lush, natural beauty down here which I absolutely love, and I strongly prefer the wetter climate versus the hot climate I grew up with. The people are generally courteous and friendly, and not once have I ever felt unsafe walking through town, even late at night. The public transportation system is very efficient and inexpensive, which is great if you don’t own a car. The best strawberries, blueberries, and olives I’ve tasted in my life are the ones I buy at my local feria. My biggest complaint would be the dearth of high-quality products and services, particularly restaurants, but my goal is to remedy that by opening a high quality restaurant in the future.

4. You mention that locals often think you are crazy for moving there. Why do you think that is?

The locals appear to have a strong fascination for American culture in general, and they perceive the United States as a country of great wealth relative to Chile, so it’s perplexing to them that anyone would want to leave it behind (unless you’re a student who’s studying abroad, which is what most people here initially assume about me). Also, not very many Chileans have adopted an entrepreneurial mindset, so it takes a little more effort to explain to them the benefits of running a business here versus the United States.

5. Have you invited friends and colleagues to join you, and if so, which types of people?

I’ve invited a few friends and colleagues here and there to join me — mainly libertarian and small-business types, but the problem for most of them is that they don’t want to leave their friends and family behind, which is understandable. Others would like to leave but can’t afford to move abroad at this time, or they’d rather wait to see how things pan out with the Fort Galt project first. I imagine that once we have a tangible structure to show to others that it will garner a lot more attention and confidence from those who may currently be on the fence about it. I feel very excited and privileged to be here when that happens!

Original source: http://thestatelessman.com/2016/05/12/why-i-traded-california-for-chile/
reposted by Tanisha Mendieta

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@tmendieta Chile is a beautiful country. I can't wait to visit someday!

Perhaps when you've earned enough steem dollars you can buy a plane ticket and get yer butt down here! :P

Oh Chile !!! such nice country and thanks for your upvote :) Enjoy as much as I do here in Bali. I traded NYC !

Bali is gorgeous from all the pictures I've seen! I definitely hope to visit there someday. :) I think you made the right move, ditching NYC for that! haha

I have also thought about moving to Chile, but it's kinda far away from Finland...

Well, if you ever decide to travel through southern Chile please feel free to drop by and visit us. :) You may not want to return to Finland!

Same here. Your explanation about not having the finance to move yet applies to us perfectly! I'm mentally packing up every day... And looking through Chile maps at least once a week, maybe I'll find that perfect spot to dream about!
Can you garden all year round so far south as Valdivia? Thanks!

The Fort Galt project may end up constructing a second building once the first one is done so you definitely want to stay tuned for that! :) It may offer the affordable options you're looking for.

I'm not a gardener myself so unfortunately, my knowledge in that area is very limited but I have seen some small farms in and around Valdivia so it appears to me that it's not a problem. Here's a local farm that you can check out: https://www.facebook.com/GreenStyle-Valdivia-1496804783922135/?fref=ts

This is a great concept, thanks for introducing it to us, Tanisha! I am building a homestead myself from the ground up.

My pleasure! I really have Gabriel Scheare (Founder of Fort Galt) to thank for coming up with this awesome idea! If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here today. And that's so cool that you're building a homestead yourself! Where are you building yours?