Keep Your Exception Low For Happiness

in expection •  4 years ago 

One of the biggest problems with the people is that they keep their exception to the rule very low for happiness. This usually means that they tend to do things on a "once in a while" basis, and they rarely make a habit out of doing things. They do a few things each week or every two weeks, and then they let it go. They never set goals for the year, and they just do things one time a month or so, sometimes less.

Here's what you need to know. If you have an exception for happiness, you can't expect to get out of it. Your emotions will never be in the place to enjoy them if you don't take care of them. If you don't take care of them, you'll never get to where you want to be in life. You may get through the year, but when you look at where you ended up, you'll see that you were always in the middle of this.

So, how do you keep your exception low for happiness? The only way you can do it is to make sure you treat the exception as if it were a regular thing. When you do that, you're creating a pattern of regularity in your life.

When you treat your exception as if it were normal, you will find yourself not having as many of them. But the more of them you have, the lower you set the bar to get to. This is where most of us start to slide backwards, and we don't notice that we are doing it until it happens again. We'll be in a bad mood and we'll want to take care of something, and we'll think we have to, when really all we have to do is ignore it.

What you need to do is change the pattern of the habit. Once you've gotten it right, you'll get it down pretty well and not have to worry about it anymore. But before you can even think about doing anything, you have to go to the root of why you got into this situation in the first place.

The thing about habits is that they are hard to break, and it takes some practice to break a habit. You might have a bad habit because it doesn't fit with your personality, your work situation, your budget, or your work ethic, or your personal life.

Once you figure out why you have the bad habit, you can begin to change that habit, because the habit is no longer working for you. In this way, it becomes easier to break, and get back into a good habit. If the new habit is something you really want to do, you will find it easier.

So, don't get hung up on the exceptions for happiness. Learn to be thankful that you have them, but also learn to learn how to live with them. They are not bad for your happiness, just habits.

If you want to live in a high happiness, happy life, you need to get rid of the bad habits that are holding you back. Once you do that, you'll soon find yourself living in abundance.

So, what are some of your habits? Some of your bad habits are eating the wrong foods, drinking the wrong drinks, smoking cigarettes, getting into arguments, and generally being negative. Some of your good habits are exercising regularly, taking enough rest, eating well, and having regular friendships and relationships.

If you can't get rid of one bad habit, find a new one. Don't do them in isolation. Learn how to change your bad habits into good habits, and vice versa. It will take a little bit of practice, but you can get there.
Just remember to keep your exception low for happiness. Because the thing about happiness is that it is a state of mind. So whatever you focus on, whether it's your exception or your good habit, that can be seen. It will be with you forever.

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