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Too Much Knowledge
José Luis is a 19-year-old boy, one of the many literature students at this university. His career is his passion.
He has always dreamed of being someone capable of reading many books and of evoking great authors like Edgar Allan Poe and others, like Lovecraft, who create fantastic realities and worlds. But he knows that it is something very difficult to achieve due to his problem, that it is impossible for him to retain and remember things. He has a problem with his memory, something he has suffered from from an early age, as it seems that he has a genetic inheritance of brain problems and mental illnesses that have run throughout his family.
One day, reading the university newsletter, he finds out that there is a scientific study that is paying a good amount of money, an amount of money that can be used to pay for a therapy that can help him improve his failed memory condition. .
So our friend decided to come over and ask what the experiment is about.
In the interview they tell him that he has to take a series of tests to see if he is apt to carry out the experiment and that, in exchange for being apt to be able to do this, they are going to pay him the sum of 20,000 dollars, a figure that in reality It is very attractive to him and his relatives. Well, he is going to help a lot in the house and in his life with this amount.
So José Luis decides to tackle this experiment and prepare.
He spends about two months attending physical therapies, getting in tune with his body and preparing to carry out this experiment in which the previous steps of food and physical preparation were only the requirements to install a device that would be connected to his brain and that, in theory, it was going to help him to have a better concentration.
So José Luis enters the operating room and they begin to operate on him.
The first thing he sees is a terrible machine like a drill that begins to drill into his head. Seconds later he falls asleep from the anesthesia.
The doctors begin to insert a beetle-shaped device into his brain that emits radioactive impulses that will stimulate the hypothalamus, making or allowing the synapses between neurons to be more efficient and raising their level of concentration, thus triggering, or trying to trigger in this way, according to the scientists' theory, different areas of the memory that will stimulate the one who can have greater concentration and can remember things.
But during this operation, the surgeon accidentally makes contact with the scalpel at different poles of the device, creating a short circuit. A spark comes out and everyone in the operation is concerned because for a few seconds the patient's heart rate increases. Fortunately, nothing else happens and exit successfully completes the operation.
The recovery period ends and when José Luis regains consciousness he realizes that in his brain he can access everything he thinks based on language knowledge that allows him to speak the language he wants in one moment.
He can realize that he is capable of speaking German, a language he did not know before, that he is capable of speaking Mandarin and capable of speaking Italian at the same time, three languages that he has never known before. He also has access to the entire database of all the newspapers and news that there is in the world suddenly, all of his personal life is fed and becomes incredibly interesting.
He becomes the most interesting person in the entire university and progressively becomes the most interesting and intelligent person in the entire world.
His academic, personal and economic life begins to change dramatically, but with all this sudden drastic knowledge, the first doubts assail him or begin to jump out. All this knowledge that he shouldn't have access to? Should it be in his hands while other people can't have access to it? Are you harnessing all this power correctly?
These doubts began to jump into our protagonist's mind and, obviously, the ethical dilemma he is facing was of a very difficult nature to handle.
So he decided to meet with the people he was implanted in, the scientists who implanted this device, and in addition to already being paid the thousands of dollars he was given for participating in this study, the scientists conclude that that they are very concerned about all the results they have obtained, but they need to continue with the study.
José Luis realizes that this technology is extremely dangerous and that he can probably be at risk. In addition to all the amount of knowledge that he has, he is like the focus of all the world's attention and surely people who have a lot of power are going to want to kidnap him or take over this technology. Even his life could be in danger, because many people could kill him just to get this device.
So José Luis comes to the conclusion that this experiment will bring to light the reason why he is so intelligent and to explain to the public everything that had happened, the whole operation and all the device that he has, and to tell the world about that this type of technology should be under strict supervision. That all this should be regulated and that he needs protection and wants to be protected under strict supervision.
So he holds a press conference telling everything that has happened to him and expressing that all the knowledge he has access to should be available to everyone and not just a few people should have this interface or this device. in the head.
He puts this controversy on the table and therefore calls for public debates to begin on the moral limits of this technology. If it is prudent that few people have this device or access, or are able to access all the knowledge as he has it now.
He exposes this dilemma to the public, so our protagonist, at this moment, puts on the table this interesting debate about what would happen with all this technological paraphernalia and all these artificial intelligences that are invading us at the moment and the possible ethical consequences of for this to happen in the very immediate future.
And this has been my five-minute story for today.
I hope you enjoyed it and I hope with this I bring to the table a rather delicate subject that we all must take into account due to all these artificial intelligences that we have today and this subject that is so delicate for each and every one of us.