Ever Play Monopoly Without the Money?

in experiment •  6 years ago 

Guess I am a lucky gal that my boyfriend "held a gun to my head" then forced me to play the board game, Monopoly, with various rule alterations for weeks on end? It wasn't a real gun, but he did refuse me a certain thing if I didn't cooperate. I kind of like that certain thing, so I allowed myself to be subjected to his cruel experiments. At least there was a point to the torture and money jargon that I had to endure.

What we discovered is the the end result is the same regardless of what money "ism" is employed into the rules of the game. No matter how much each player starts with at the start of the game, the inevitable end result is Monopoly. That is the point of the game, isn't it? Got it yet? Apply that to the real world if you haven't done so. There should be plenty of reason to fear being in the state of "One World Monopoly" er, One World Government, New World Ord....oh never mind that for now.

The original rules of the Monopoly game aren't exactly grounded in reality. What I mean is that in real life, we don't all start with the same amount of money. (speaking for the US, only) In fact, it is inverse, it COSTS money to be born. Just take into account that if all players start a game of Monopoly with the same amount of money, Monopoly is the eventual end result. If it is more realistic and one player starts with $5,000, one with $2,000, one with $500, the rest with $50, the end result is Monopoly. The time it takes to get there varies, but a Monopoly, aka, "Global Dictatorship" is the final goal. Maybe the people who invented money/Capitalism knew it all along?

Go ahead and tweak the rules however you wish. Socialism and Communism lend their selves to the same predicament, it just takes longer. Nobody wants to play that game that long, do they? My brain fell out several times while playing along with these experiments. Eventually my dude ran Monopoly simulations on his computer to streamline the process. Guess what, end result was the same every time. At least it was more amusing to witness this go around. Watching a computer play monopoly against itself is too charming to ignore.

Is there anything one can do to prevent this Monopoly? Since tweaking the money rules don't change too much?

How about taking the money away?

Since the Community Chest and Chance cards are all money system related, those can go as well.

Getting around the board to get back to "Go" simulates the work aspect, that is gone now too. No more getting $200 for passing Go! No more Jail, since that is a money system thing. You roll, you land on a property, if you want it, it's yours. Since there is no money behind it, you can judge the property on terms other than "how much is it worth?" This means Park Place and Boardwalk may not be the coveted properties that they were before.

If you land on property that is owned by another player, nothing happens. You just wait your turn and roll again. You wouldn't be selling any property you have at any point, as there is no money to gain from it. It makes for a different game altogether.

The end result with this system, is that all players on the board wind up with a fairly equal amount of property. Once all the property is "taken" the game is over. No Monopoly. No global dictatorship from that "84 Book" that internet trolls fear more than their own reflection. You can keep moving the pieces around if you want, but eventually you would get bored of the acquisition game and maybe go out and have some real experiences in the world? There is no money so, that is free too.

It works for the board game, but the real world has this "money incentive"? It is a false incentive. If it was the only incentive we would not have volunteers at all. So many creative types spend their time creating and give those creations away for free. So, what is the incentive in this money free world? Hmm, how about being able to access the resources you need in order to live? That is enough to motivate me. I do all sorts of things and do not get a cent for doing them. In spite of my hard work, I am not able to get the food and other resources I need to survive in this money system, as that system isn't designed to support this many people or industries. Besides, most of what NEEDS to be done on this Earth isn't getting done because it "costs too much" or "there isn't enough profit in that" and that is something that has got to stop before we wind up crashing the train into the fake tunnel painted onto the cliff.


This pastel piece done by artist, Brandon Truster in 1999, I believe.

Check out The Venus Project for more information. They already have smart people on this one.


"We got this shit!"-LSD

Much Love, people! <3
Lucy Sage Dreamtree

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