in exploitation •  6 years ago 

Reports like this breaks are heart, how can a so called International University be assaulting their students, this proves that the Management of Near East University are not just fraudsters and scammers but are also Animals, what a barbaric way of treatment in this 21st Century?

Please lets hear this Students out and do all we can do to get them justice. Things like this and even worst happen in Near East University, the University as usual will try to cover it up while those fools that call themselves our Student Union leaders will turn a blind eyes.

hi …am a near east university students….i live in dorms…..nd on 26 November 2018 there had been a physical assault done 2 my sister from one of their securities…….we complained 2 the management and they r doin there best 2 hide the fact and to protect their security and they are making up false witness nd claims….they don’t want 2 listen 2 our statement or witnesses…….evn when we were the first 2 complain… since it involves physical assult they are doing there best 2 make us quite……i really need help please if u kno any1 or if u personally cn help us out….we r in serious need of help right nw…’s nt fair they r nt respecting us cuz we r international student….we hav right too……nd could u please help us with any suggestions or anything regarding this matter… matter what happens or what the students does they hav no right 2 assult them physically or lay a finger on them…..

They are doing their best to hide their mistake and making sure that the word doesn’t go out publically……they tryin their best 2 protect the security and make up false story when they evn kno the truth…..could u please help us out.

We are calling on the #Police, Transparency International, The Parliament of Pakistan; The Parliament of Zimbabwe; National Assembly, Federal Republic of Nigeria; Inter-American Court of Human Rights; International Federation of Human Right; European Court of Human Right; Amnesty International; Human Rights Watch; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; Reporters without Borders; International Service for Human Rights; The British Broadcasting Corporation; Cable News Network;

Sahara Reporters; University regulatory bodies, International Students right bodies, and other law enforcement bodies and Activist to join us as we fight to get these Students justice.




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#Together, we will put a #permanent end to this #Injustice.

Yours in Service,

Concern Near East University Students

CC: Near East University




#NationalAssembly, #FederalRepublicofNigeria;

#Inter-American #Court of #Human #Rights;

#International #Federation of #Human #Right;

#European #Court of Human Right;


#Human Rights #Watch;

#Office of the #UnitedNations #High #Commissioner for Human Rights;

#Reporters #without #Borders;

#InternationalService for Human Rights;

#The #British #Broadcasting #Corporation;

#Cable #News #Network;


#University #regulatory #bodies,

#International Students right bodies,

and other law enforcement bodies and ActivistNEO 25 12 18 Use.jpgNEO Email 25 12 18.PNG

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