in exploitation •  6 years ago 

NEU.jpgStudent Debt increases from 2100 Euro to 3600 Euro at a Sport at Near East University​. Lets hear this Student out. This Student message was slighting edited to take off some offensive words.

Dear Student Ambassador,
Thanks to you guys for exposing and fighting this Fraudsters that call themselves a University. Kindly share my Story but hide my ID.

I went to Near East University International Office to ask about by debt, I met one of the Accounting officer, he said my debt was 2100 Euro, I asked him to check again because from my records, my debt should be about 1800 Euro. he checked again and told me my debt was 2700 Euro. I thought he was joking with me so I asked him to recheck. He then gave my file to his boss, who went through my file and said my debt was 3600 Euro.
That Day, I gave up on Near East University, those guys are nothing but Scammers.
Till date, debt keep compounding with no one explaining to me how they come up with this outrageous figure.
Except a miracle happens, I might never get this Degree or I may have to transfer to some other Universities and start all over.
No thanks to Near East University.

Thank you for writing us, with your support, we will put a permanent end to this Injustice. When next you visit their office, try to find out their names, send us their names and if possible their pictures, its high time we start calling out these stooges at Near East University International office.

We are also suggesting to Near East University, that for transparency and professionalism, Accounting officer should have a name tag on them or at least on their desk. This problem of students going to International office and Mr A will tell them their debts is 6 Euro, only for them to meet Mr B the same day or the next day and Mr B will tell them their debt is 12 Euro got to stop. Since you guys are out to exploit students, at least do that in a professional way.

Continue to send us your stories and emails especially those that concern this fraud the University call policies, we need them to testify against the University when we eventually file a lawsuit against it.


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