in exploitation •  6 years ago 

NEU.jpgDear Students,

Thank you once again for the massive support toward this campaign, together, we will put a permanent end to this injustice by Near East University on #Students.

After due consideration, we have decided to open our doors to sponsorship and funding. The financial involvement needed to effectively carry out this campaign to it end result is beyond our capability. We need fund to create and run our website, as known to you guys, one of our plans in this campaign is dragging the University to an International Court if they do not heed to our demands, we are already gathering some evidence to testify against the University. We do not intend dragging the University to a local Court for two reason. First, going to a local Court will not give us the International attention we seek to bring to this campaign. Secondly, we believe that the Judges in local Courts will be bias and will most likely rule in favor of Near East University.

We are already making contacts with some International Courts and we will facilitate the process as soon as we get the minimum number of signatures on our Petition. The monster we are fighting against if a big one but with our collective support, it will be pull down. The University is already been threaten by this campaign and they are doing everything they can to stop it but as we said earlier on, we are smarter than them and their only remedy will be heeding to our demands and the earlier they do that, the better for all of us. To effectively meet our end results in this campaign, we need more than just making and sharing our stories on social media, we need drastic steps to permanently put an end to this injustice and this require fund. We need fund for mobilizations and logistics. Already this campaign is been sponsored on facebook.

On this note, we have created a gofundme account exclusively for this project. We do not have a specific amount we intend to raise because we do not know how soon Near East University will heed to our demands but if 1000 persons could donate as little as $20, we will raise about $20000 and we believe that this will go a long way in putting a permanent end to this Injustice on Students by Near East University. Its a free will donation and open to the general public, any amount is welcomed. We have also created some digital currency wallets for those that may wish to donate digital currencies. We will be accountable on how much is been raised and on what it is been used for.

Beyond any financial support, we need your Informative, unitary and advisory support. We are just some ordinary group of concern students and we can do little or nothing without your support. Continue to support and get involve in this campaign in any way you can.

If you are a legal practitioner and you are willing to give us legal advise or represent us pro bono, do not hesitate to contact us. Also professional web designers that are willing to build our site pro bono can also contact us, we will provide you with the site content.

This campaign has been kick off and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. The day we will back off is the day Near East University heed to our demands. For as long as we keep getting Students support, we will keep fighting with every resources at our disposal and we are confident that with your support we will put a permanent end to this #Injustice.

Our gofundme account: https://www.gofundme.com/stop-the-exploitation-of-students
Donate BTC: 1JTGmBnJrReE8NqBsnLhbifqkwaWngF2sc
Donate ETH: 0xf6B749Abe7e2632CA358C37cdF1Dc3F9CEF1fd6F
Donate BCH: qzlhy8zjay3h7c03ngmtsg3ljplc0ju74uq8u0p5up

Continue to send us your stories and emails especially those that concern this fraud the University call policies, we need them to testify against the University when we eventually file a lawsuit against it.


Email us at: [email protected]
Sign our petition: https://www.gopetition.com/petitions/stop-the-exploitation-of-students-by-near-east-university.html
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neareastunistudents/
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEUStudents
Follow us on Medium: https://medium.com/@neustudentsforchange
Fellow us on Steemit: https://steemit.com/@neustudents

Support this Campaign by Sharing, Retweeting, Applauding and Upvoting our Posts.

Together, we will put a permanent end to this #Injustice.

Yours in Service,
Concern #NearEastUniversity #Students.

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