Exploration-s23w2 / Fire.

in exploration-23w2 •  3 days ago 

Hello friends I have your great today I am here to take part in a very interesting challenger and I am really thankful to respected professor @karianaporras who is always there to share I useful knowledge for us and that is really important in our lifestyle more often


I really like this challenge because sometime I have to stay in the village and there is no gas facility in our hospital so in start it was very hard to manage life so I learnt about how to fire with the woods although I have seen it in my childhood but after that I have not explore it, this challenges I remember that is that I have spent five years ago in hospital where people have mud store and the wood are used to fire and the life become much easy as it is convenient and not much expensive.

Ohoo yeah I also used in hill area where food cooking is major task at little cylinder and to keep home warm I have learnt it with the help of local people of hilly area indeed it's art and we should learnt it well.

Tasks 1

Perform the literal Classification of the Firewood according to the instructions in this tutorial.



On extreme left side there is thin dried leaves, next is the branches and leaves etc, on the next there is small to medium wood or firewood and on the right side large Lagos can be shown.

In the class I have learnt about the classification as follows.

Tinder that is thin dry material that is easier to inflamed.

Thin kindling the small materials of less thickness approx of pencil size and other little chips wrapp etc.

Then comes the large wood pieces useful for heating purposes

large wood Lagos preferred for cooking as they give long lasting heat due to large size.

2. Build a fire or campfire on a scale of no less than 30 centimeters in height, applying what you have learned in the classification of firewood and light it. As a challenge, I propose that it be lit with a single match or whatever it is called in your town or country without using any type of accelerator or fuel.


Well!!!!! This is perhaps one of the most using heating system and also cooking system with the help of mud stove which later on made with the help of cement for making it more durable.

The soil is dig up to 30 cm and the brick is kept in longitudinal directions. Upto 6 bricks are used three in lower soil and 3 at top and then made it with either mud or cement.

You can see in the picture that's why I did disturbed it rather shows it as it's made and then kept little woods and smaller woods and at the top large Lagos.


I have to set it In a way air can passed through it and there is less flame towards outside. With the help of match box I have ignition it and you can say it was burning. I kept the pot of water on it for heating as there is no gyser system in village in few regions.

3. Build two Fires, these do not need to be lit, explain the step by step in detail and what practical use can we give it?

1- Pyramid type fire


Step 1

I cleaned the soil where I have to made it and with a stick dig little hole where I fixed the stick in a way it hold other wood materials.

Step 2

Then I keep around leaves few were dry other ones green I arranged them in a manner my doll was learning.


Step 3

Then I take smaller woods and large Lagos it was ready to fire I kept it's shape like in pyarimd. Air is quite necessary for good flame otherwise it causes the smoke.


Now why it's is used

In village there is commonly mosquitos are present people used it as repellent and also for heating purposes in winter especially in open area of fields.

Fire 2 Reflector

For making it I take two large Lagos in the form of block for supporting purposes as the heat couldn't moved out rapidly.



Then I take cut larger Lagos which are used for cooking purposes in mud stove and it's heating persistent for few hours. i kept block and then placed larger Lagos in both sides. For Burnley I kept Lagos of larger size in the centre.

It's ready highly efficient in winter people mostly used it to warm their rooms in village areas.

Perhaps in our village reflector is commonly used in indoor while pyramids for outdoor in fields where farmer live and work also stay for rest.

When I moved in morning I have crossed from village I often see people made pyramid fire and sit beside to be warm body.

4. What did you think of the experience? What other types of fire do you know? What uses would you give to the types of fire in your daily life?

My experience?

It was mind blowing and fun for my doll and reminded me few old days of my childhood when we used pyramids fire in school at home in our fields. Rectangular fire was used mostly to keeping room warm my grand ma used it and I remembered it. While the campfire is still useful people using it for making food in village I also used it few years back when I reside there It was not easy but slowly I leaned about it. I just familiar about these fire types.

I have taken pictures with redmi 12 and all images are my own property.

It's all about my today's post.

I would like to invite my friends @jannat12, @m-fdo and @iqrarana786 to take part in the challenge.

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