The Shadow of Your Smile - What You Need to Know About It

in expressions •  3 years ago 

Have you ever noticed that people who are not smiling or laughing seem to have more confidence than those who are smiling? Maybe you've also noticed that some people appear to be more confident when they are smiling than when they're not. Maybe you've wondered what it is about the way you look or the way you act when you smile that makes others assume or know that you are happy and confident. Here's an easy to understand answer: The Shadow of Your Smile - How Important Your Smile Is to Others

You see, in addition to the color of your teeth and the physical appearance of your face there is something else that a person can tell just by looking into your eyes. The absence or presence of a smile is very noticeable. When you have a strong, radiant smile on your face, people are immediately able to figure out that you are happy. That's why your smile is so important.

When you smile it is easy for other people to determine that you like them - and so it's quite possible for them to smile back. It's true. If a person smiles at you - whether it's to make you happy or simply to say hello - then they are showing that they like you and find you friendly and interesting. People who show interest in you or are interested in what you're saying are far more likely to reciprocate that interest than someone who glares or doesn't smile at all. That simple act can often go a long way toward building a relationship with someone you don't know very well.

However, there is more to a person's smile than just the outward expression of it. Smiles are contagious. The way you smile can actually influence how you feel. Scientific studies have found that smiling helps release endorphins - the body's natural pain killer - into your brain and it actually heightens your pain threshold. Therefore, if you're feeling stressed out, then simply smiling could help put you at ease and give you temporary relief.

If you're looking for ways to improve your smile - or just to be happier - then a quick smile will go a long way to improving your mood. There's no need to dwell on the fact that your teeth are crooked or misshapen, because if you smile it will quickly fix whatever issue that is there. The key is to exercise a little restraint and not overdo it when you're smiling. The bottom line is that the smile is an expression, and that you shouldn't express everything about yourself in your smile - including your misgivings or problems.

The point is to focus on the good things that are happening to you now, rather than dwelling on the past. That may be hard to do sometimes, especially when other people seem to be able to let go of any negative or depressing thoughts. Yet it's crucial to realize that we all have a tendency to focus on the past - on the bad things of the past. When you look at the shadow of your smile as a gauge of how you're doing in life, it will help you make the right choices. It will also give you a sense of power and control over the situation, so that you can hopefully direct the future in the right direction too.

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