RE: Vlog 459: A sad day for Steem

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Vlog 459: A sad day for Steem

in exyle •  5 years ago 

Yes, the nerve you struck is that people who are not racists do not like being false accused of it under the flimsiest of evidence. Just to be clear, you don't actually have to use the word "racism" to accuse someone of being a racist.

My story doesn't prove the point. You need to do more research before making such sweeping claims. It was the reaction of ned (an immediate powerdown) that led to a quicker reaction this time, to avoid the same thing happening again.

And, no, Exyle is entirely wrong on this point. DPOS-based blockchains were designed to work exactly this way as far as governance is concerned. I should know, I was one of maybe three people involved in its conceptual design.

DPOS governance encompasses the notion that witnesses can fork the chain. Users of the chain who don't like a fork have at least two options they can take in this case: 1) unvote the forking witnesses or 2) setup a separate fork (this latter option is available with any blockchain). The first is one extra advantage of DPOS-based blockchains.

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Look, it's pretty simple, Whale.

There is only one major difference between the owner of Steemit in January and the owner of Steemit in February. You guys are now treating the February owner way differently than the January owner.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

Ned also never stated he was going to disolve the Steem chain into another, never scheduled a token swap which stated the native token would become “worthless” so to not miss the swap, and hadn’t had a history of using community stake to vote in block producers (witnesses) he controls as well as blocking (censoring) projects which compete with his own, all things Justin Sun has done recently.

I agree, this change should have been done ages ago. But to pretend that there wasn’t a new possible significant threat is showing your ignorance on the situation as a whole. It’s ok to not understand aspects of the chain or what’s happening, but perhaps don’t be so quick to attack others when you clearly have no clue what’s going on.

Was never an attack. But rather a very important question we need to be asking ourselves. Even if we don't realize it, racism often creeps into our actions. Even for those who are not racist, we can do racist things without realizing it. Do a thought experiment and replace Justin Sun with a swashbuckling white Stanford grad who has gotten rich quick. If you think the reaction by 100% of the Witnesses would be 100% the same? Ok, fine. Then, there is zero racism in this action. But, if in that thought experiment, you think that ANY of the Witnesses would have reacted in ANY way differently, then well, THAT is what I'm talking about. And THAT is certainly worth talking about, especially since this community should do well to welcome and work with Justin Sun and Tron for the foreseeable future.

To imply that the reason for this action was racially influenced is pretty much beyond a joke for me. I've seen literally zero evidence that the witnesses are doing this for anything related to a racial reason.

The closest thing I've seen to it, and it's not exactly racism, IMO, was Bernie's comments regarding Justin and communism, presumably because Justin was born in a communist ideology and could theoretically be influenced by that. But considering just how many outrageous claims Bernie makes when he's upset, I'm unable to conclude for sure that he even really believes that.

And on personal level, I happen to like most Chinese people I've met, and the majority of my social interactions outside of work are with Chinese people, since my hobby is table tennis. I've even been studying Mandarin for the past few years, in my spare time, so I'm able to communicate better with some of my Chinese friends who don't speak English.

Finally, to answer your thought question, I would certainly have acted the same way with your hypothetical Stanford graduate. I can't answer with certainty for others, of course, but if he had the same history and taken the same actions as Justin has, I believe there would be no difference in the reaction.

I just gave you a list of valid reasons of why this was done, based on actions of the new owner of Steemit inc, none of which were based on race. His race does not matter, and never came up as a factor. Please stop trying to take this to a low level of ridiculousness you are by insinuating such a ridiculous thing.

Did you even try to do the thought experiment? Nope.

"Look, it's pretty simple, Whale."

OMG! Are you fat-shaming him?!

Lol, I was waiting for the "Ok, Boomer" next...