RE: Vlog 460: Unity is what I am hoping for.

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Vlog 460: Unity is what I am hoping for.

in exyle •  5 years ago 

Jack, I really enjoy your positivity here and it's a cool way to see things.

Don't worry I have no problem with anyone undermining my views (even though it was clearly not your intention here).

My views are my own and I share them as I have done for years. Ownership is something that is very dear to me, although I am also learning now that with DPOS things are (now) different.

I hope you agree with this

My hope is that this matter is quickly cleared up and settled in the swiftest and best way possible for all parties involved.

What do Australians drink when they want to celebrate something propper? Snake blood? Kangeroo sweat? Crocodile semen? or just some good old Beer :)

I can't wait for this matter to be behind us and get the best results for all parties involved. Looking forward to the 6th.

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Us older blokes after a hard days work enjoy nothing more than a cold Vic Bitter

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Victoria Bitter - For a hard-earned thirst.

I can order that here.

Cost 2,80 euro or 4,38 AUD for a bottle. Not the cheapest but must be worth it.

Better than Fosters, in fact, even that pi** called Corona is better than Fosters!

Cheers mate, glad you didn't take anything I said the wrong way. We are creating history here as far as blockchain tech and the crypto scene go.