How Mobile & Computer Screen can Damage Your Eye? Guide

in eyecare •  3 years ago 

Today’s technology can be great, but it can also be harmful to your eyes if you aren’t careful. From sitting too close to your computer screen to staring at your phone in bed, there are plenty of bad habits that can hurt your eyesight over time. Luckily, with some simple tips and habits, you can help ensure your vision stays healthy and strong as you embark on your career journey. Here are seven tips for eye care that everyone should follow as they begin their careers.

How mobile screen damage your eye?

Your eyes are sensitive organs, and they can be damaged easily if you're not careful. Computer screens emit blue light that makes your pupils constrict, which decreases how much light reaches your retina (the part of your eye that converts images into electrical signals). That's why it feels more comfortable to look at a computer screen than other sources of white light.

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