Concept No. 3 - BREAK THE CHAINS (Collaborated) {This is WHY you fail and this is HOW you can be a success} [Quotes + Poetry + Article]

in eyeopening •  7 years ago  (edited)

Concept No. 3 - BREAK THE CHAINS !

कहा मुझे माँ ने, कुछ काम करना सीख ले,
अगले घर तुझे जाना है, उनके तानो से खुद को बचाना है |
बाँध दिआ मुझे बचपन से ही, मेरे भविष्य की असमंजस में,
भूल के अपना बचपन, मैं डूब गई आने वाले कल में |

टोकते थे मुझे मेरे ही लोग, सही गलत मुझे बताते थे,
कोई पूछे उनसे, की सही गलत के ये फैसले,
कौनसे भगवान् उन्हें आकर बताते थे?

अपनी नज़रो से जो मुझे आजीवन तोला उन्होंने,
इस तोल मोल का हक़ सिर्फ खुदा के पास है,
ये सही-गलत, जो हर किसी के हिसाब से अलग, है,
उसमे मुझे आज़माने का, क्यों सबका अपना हिसाब है?

मैं अकेली नहीं बैठी, हुई इस तराज़ू पर,
सिर्फ लड़कियां नहीं, बहुत लड़के भी मेरे साथ हैं,
जिनके जन्म लेते ही लोगों ने फैसले ले डाले,
क्यों भूढ़े तख्तो पर, पहले से लिखी हर बच्चे कि किताब है |

ये वो सीमा बताते हैं, जहाँ तक मेरी हसीं कि आवाज़ जा सकती है,
ये निर्णय करते हैं, लड़कियां क्या नहीं कर सकती हैं,
ये हमारे पहनावे से इतना परेशान आ जाते हैं,
क्योंकि गड़ा कर नज़रे हम पर,
ज़मीर इनके खुद के हिल जाते हैं |


अपनी गलतियों से हार कर, हमारी जीत में रूकावट बन जाते हैं,
कभी ये हमारी जगह थे एक दिन,
अब हमें अपनी जगह बुलाने का कारण ये बन जाते हैं |

परिभाषा बनाके सलीके की, ये ढोंग करना सबको सिखाते हैं,
हम खुद को जान पाते ही नहीं, बस इनकी नाटकी दुनिया में,
एक और कटपुतली बन कर जुड़ जाते हैं |

कोई और ही होती आज मैं, कोई और ही होते तुम,
अगर लोगों को लुभाने का, इतना ना होता जूनून,
पर हुई नहीं है देर आज भी, क्योंकि अभी भी तू ज़िंदा है,
पंख अपने खोल के तो देख, तू अभी भी वही परिंदा है |

तोड़ दे ये बेड़ियाँ, वरना अपनी काबिलियत से अनजान रह जाएगा ,
तेरे बस में कारनामे हैं जितने भी, उन्हें दुनिआ के सामने, कभी ना ला पाएगा |

शायद चाँद तक भी ना पहुँच पाते हम,
अगर सलाखे ये हमने तोड़ी ना होती,
क्योंकि दुनिआ के हिसाब से चलते तो,
ऐसे ख्वाब पर खूब हसीं उड़ी होती |

जाने कितना कुछ आज तक, रहस्य रह जाता,
अगर इंसान कभी इस कैदखाने से, बाहर नहीं आता,
ये कैदखाने जो कुछ दुनिआ ने बना रखे हैं,
और कुछ इनमे से, हमने खुद रचा रखे हैं |

गलती तो उनकी भी थी, गलती थी कुछ समाज की,
कुछ गलती थी मेरे अपनों की,
गलती सबसे बड़ी थी जिसकी, वो मेरी थी |

अब सुधार ले उन गलतियों को,
और तोड़ दे सभी हथकड़ियां,
चाहे रोका हो तुझको सबने,
या खुद ने बंद कर रखी हो सब खिड़कियां,
बहुत कुछ है दुनिया में अभी भी,
जो तू बदल सकता है,
पहचान खुद को ए कैदी,
तुझे कैदी इसलिए ही बनाया गया,
क्योंकि तु दुनिया को बदल सकता है |

(Have a look at these hindi ghazals of @kamaltyagi for more hindi poetries.)


We all are tied up in chains. The society, no doubt puts restriction on us, especially when someone says or does something which has never been done before. People are afraid of change, because change is difficult and when someone starts a revolution, they oppose. It's human nature that we don't want to change because we believe that it will prove that we were wrong and our ego can't bear to be proven so. A common thing is correct according to people, no matter how unequal, useless, idiotic or illogical it is. They will keep doing it because everyone else is doing it.

Most of the time, the revolutionists and the individualists are buried in the crowd by the society. Only because of a few persistent and stubborn individualists, this world is able to upgrade itself. Adam Kokesh has recently raised this case of 22 veteran suicides every day in US which leaves the VA Services answerable. Now, he could have not given a s**t and kept quite but he broke his chains and stood for something he considered important to stand up for. There are people who won't speak up because they fear. But only because of a few bold individuals, the life on earth is peaceful and coordinated. Imagine what a world can be created if we all could stand up for ourselves.

We human beings are developed in technology, we are quite modernized. It all happened just because of some people who never gave up to bring change. Some people, who broke their chains and didn't listen to the society and you can be added to the list but you won't, because you will give up. Only a minimal percentage of the total, succeeds in bringing a change. So the question here is that is the society responsible for our failures or we ourselves?


Image source
Quotation on image by - @himshweta

Boys too are tied in these chains, but girls suffer from it even more. Especially in our country India, we people try to westernize, but when it comes to give liberty to women, we forget it all. I will not talk about the restrictions that women face. It is already described in my poetry here and this article as well. Here, I will talk about the importance of breaking these restrictions, who actually is responsible for it and how to do that.

No matter boy or girl, if you believe in something that the world doesn't, go for it. Even if you are proved wrong in the end by the world, its still no harm. If you wouldn't be able to change the world, then at least your mindset would change, and change is necessary, change is good. What's good is that someone will change, either you or the world, so go for it. Don't give up. Don't be frightened of failure. People can fail because they are people, not Gods. People might taunt you but don't take it seriously. Let the dogs bark. It's what they can do. You do what YOU can do.

So again, the question is, who is to blame? Would you blame a dog for barking? Or would you blame yourself for giving up because of those barks? Obviously, obstacles are always there, but instead of whining and questioning God or your life, question yourself.
No matter who is restricting you, either others or you yourself, you need to come out of it or you will never know what could've taken place, if you fought instead of crying. You would never know how you could have become the next person to change this world. You would never be aware of your true potential and your true capabilities if you give up, and if you don't break your chains.

Image Source
Quotation on Image by - @Himshweta

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Who do you think is responsible for your failures? Would you still do what you were doing before or are my articles making any changes to your life? Kindly inform me in the comments.

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Nice post ....👌 Following you for more 👍💐💐

Thankyou so much @saan

Very wise words and good advice

Thank you for your comment. Thank you for giving it a read :)