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in f •  3 years ago 

Get the FUCKING COVID VACCINES which will kill you, will give you cancer, they actual put this up in front of people.

The main cause of Polio was the Polio Vaccines, it messed up so many people for so many years.

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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You smile and you dizzle your nizzle on a poodle with a fork because no reason I swear

Inch by inch we go and we flow and we do our things like rad man - Part 01 | Part 02

Last Pickett Morehead Reunion of that era and size in Long Beach, Oregon, in 2006, plus some other things.

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Get The One Ting That Can Kill You, Covid Vaccines Are Killing People

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-08-17 - Tuesday | Published in August of 2021

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Get the FUCKING COVID VACCINES which will kill you, will give you cancer, they actual put this up in front of people.

Check out Kristi Leigh.

All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Covid Log

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Covid Vaccines are killing people. Covid can be killed easily.

My Autobiography

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Find Me on social media networks: | Facebook | Instagram | Tik Tok | Twitter | YouTube | Bitchute | Gab | Minds | and other places too.

The story of my life is like the story of a little boy named Billy Breaker stuck inside an Arnold Attic. The origin of my life can be traced back to my birth in 1985 in Oregon. I grew up in a ghetto. I was homeschooled. I lived in Hawaii. I taught English in Vietnam.

10:23 PM
somebody asked Circle Back Jen if they were going to save the thousands of Americans stuck in Afghanistan and she they are... but in a way she was not... she was speaking in code and in run-on sentences which features extremely vague double-meaning words. she included a long list of people they want to bring back and an emphasis on terrorists

This community is about learning and teaching the English language.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Here is a photo of me with at an English club in Vietnam in 2013.

Learning English is kind of like eating oatmeal because it takes a bite at a time.

Question about Afghanistan

11:47 AM - Geeks + Gamers

What should we have done? The simple answer is nothing. Don't get involved in endless foreign wars. Don't get involved in nation building. Don't be a pawn for the globalists who are like Palpatine who played and financed both sides of the Clone Wars, he was helping the Old Republic and the Separatists. Don't help the control freaks divide and conquer. Don't help destroy a country like Afghanistan so they can then have that as an excuse to flood Europe and America with millions of refugees which is happening at an acceleration in 2021 especially.

But at the same time or moreover, your question is a loaded question depending on what you think happened in history as a backstory and setting to your question. There is a lot of fake news, a lot of things taken out of context, and more importantly there is a lot that is not said when you learn history at the main stream public schools and when you tune into the main stream news. There is a lot that is censored on main stream social media. History is complex and simple. So, there are many things connected to your question. For example, it would seem like there were these giant problems that they say America must fix. But what they don't tell you is the origin to those problems in the first place. What they don't tell you is the pattern in history regarding who funds who and certain things found happening again and again in world history. Follow the money to find out who Palpatine is in real life.

They could have killed all the Taliban guys if they wanted to, problem solved. They chose not to. Taliban is not a big problem. Globalists infiltrated the military to stop them from doing their own job.

12:02 PM
You don't need a passport to enter into America, just walk from Mexico up into Texas, thousands of people do this every day in 2021 with no papers, documents. They are sending these people all over the United States via airplanes, they send them to hotels. So, just join a migrant refugee caravan. Anybody can be a refugee, they were not checking who is who. They don't care who you are, they let you in. Millions of people have been flooding through the border. Some of them may be spreading diseases, rape, murder, etc. But there are no excuses. Don't try to enter America the legal route. That takes too many years and too much money. Just walk in. The front door is locked but the backdoor is wide open. Wait, it is not a backdoor. They tore down the back walls and people can just enter in. And they help them come in.

12:18 PM
The hypothetical ideas and propaganda of communism is a trap which is set by control freaks, communism becomes tyranny, totalitarianism, authoritarianism. The cover-story for communism and socialism is tempting, theoretical, but divorced from the laws of the universe of how things work. Aspects of communism might work within a family or a small group of people. The problem is it can become too centralized and too manipulative on a national level or even on a state level or maybe even on a city level. Well, I am not totally sure how it would work on a city level. But overall, communism is a cleaver ploy to take control over the world.

This community is all about wholistic medicine, natural remedies, cures, prevention, etc.

Being healthy is like living life with common sense because if you got none, then you'll probably fall off a cliff. If you got none, you'll lose your mind and your oatmeal.

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

02:38 AM
Red Letter Media - Mr. Plinkett's Star Trek Picard Review

02:57 AM
2021-08-17 - Tuesday - 02:57 AM - 03:43 AM - History of the Sitcom 101 - A Family Matter

This series was produced by CNN meaning it sprinkles in fake news and propaganda into it. Already, in the first episode, I'm seeing some agenda. For example, the star from Family Matters mentions how I Love Lucy came out back when women were told to stay in their place or in the kitchen. That is fake news to say women were slaves and had to only be a housewife. Now, each individual is different meaning some men can beat some women. Different people do different things both good and bad. There can be exceptions to generalities but the generality is in the value of mothers and women in general. This show is interesting because it shows a bunch of different things. I watch it to see a good overview of different shows from the perspective of different people. Some of these people may be woke which is terrible but Tim Allen said he loved how I Love Lucy Ball was able to time her bits and I agree. Instead of focusing on the agenda of alleged women equality, focus on the comedic timing Lucy had.

The show is now looking at Brady Bunch. I like all the different actors and other people they interviewed for this series. I like looking at all the random references to shows and history as well. Partridge Family. Vietnam War. Kent State mentioned which Alex Jones also mentioned during Jan6 as he was shouting to tell people not to enter the Capitol building. They show All In The Family where they say there is no God and the dad gets mad. There is a God. After that, they show a man dressed up as a woman talking. After that, they say they need more sophisticated shows. After that, they show more of that episode where they debate religion and minorities. Good Times. One Day At a Time. 1970s. Empowerment. Family Ties. Cosby. Family Ties was on Thursday. Home Improvement. Mad About You. Martin.

11:11 AM

The main cause of Polio was the Polio Vaccines, it messed up so many people for so many years.

12:08 PM

06:19 PM

Get the FUCKING COVID VACCINES which will kill you, will give you cancer, they actual put this up in front of people.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

02:57 AM
2021-08-17 - Tuesday - 02:57 AM - 03:43 AM - History of the Sitcom 101 - A Family Matter

11:11 AM

12:08 PM

06:19 PM

07:11 PM

Dear diary, got up at 11:11 AM apx. Breakfast. Gardening, yard work, around 01:00 PM to 05:00 PM, filtering dirt near that tree by mom's room, by the compost and new fence and gate, sorting that area, digging out vines. Putting rocks around that fence, both sides, by the potatoes, and around the brick path near the book shed as I usually do the past few days. Planted around 50 or more cabbage seeds in an area near those potatoes in a lot where other potatoes were which I cleared out yesterday. Dishes after that. Now, dinner at 06:25 PM. Nap around 07:30 PM to 09:30 PM. Night vitamins. Enzymes or digestion pills. Busted up my hands today or just some cuts. Thought some of it might be small pieces of wood or plants stuck in my skin or might just be scabs.

Food log
Breakfast: fruit salad, 11:30 AM.
Lunch: scrambled eggs, 12:00 PM.
Dinner: sausage potato stew, 06:25 PM. Cherry cobbler after that.

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Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here.
The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. It is a hashtag or tag as well. That is my username. It is simply my name, Joey Arnold, plus VN meaning Vietnam. It is generally not case-sensitive. You can find me on many different places online and offline. I'm going to present some of the places you might find my blog in case you can't find it someday, this will help you know where to look. Some websites may automatically edit the following links below meaning you would have to manually correct the URLs. For example, if you're viewing this on PeakD, then Ecency and Hive Blog links are automatically turned into PeakD links meaning you will not see actual links to Ecency or Hive Blog via PeakD. Oh, Ecency does this too. But Hive Blog does not.
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The following is only a sneak preview of a few examples of where you might find my daily posts.
Ausbit . Dev: https://hive.ausbit.dev/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurt Blog: https://blurt.blog/@joeyarnoldvn
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Esteem . App: https://www.esteem.app/@joeyarnoldvn
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Peakd . com: https://peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn | https://beta.peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Personal . Community: https://personal.community/?hive=joeyarnoldvn
Read . Cash: https://read.cash/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemd . com: https://steemd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem KR . com: https://steemkr.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemit . com: https://steemit.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem World . Org: https://steemworld.org/@joeyarnoldvn
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