There have got to be some Formula 1 fans here... Right?

in f1 •  9 years ago 

So is anyone out there an F1 addict like myself? I searched for a topic on F1 but nothing came up, maybe we can start it? I love keeping up with all the news, races, ridiculous drama and everything that goes along with F1 so I just though maybe some around here would be like minded? I'll be tagging this formula1, F1, motorsport, etc. (edit, just thought of one: f1discussions, what do you think?)

Anyhow, let's get this started. Halo, love it? Hate it? Think it's the future, or predicting the death of F1 as we know it? Here is my opinion, and remember, this is an opinion folks, please don't start hatin' or freaking out, but feel free to disagree :)

I think the halo is ridiculous. And here is why: We haven't had a driver be killed in an F1 car in over 21 years, the last one was of course the legendary Ayton Senna. Safety has improved so much in the sport as to make it nearly impossible for a driver to be fatally injured. I know you're probably thinking about Jule Bianchi right now, or Felipe Massa, but here's the thing. Jules would not have been saved by the halo, it likely would have killed him instantly, not to mention his was a freak accident. Felipe's accident MAY have been avoided with the halo in place, but equally as likely the halo would have deflected the spring down into his chest, likely killing him.

Now, I'm all in favor of nobody dying, especially my heroes, but does it not get to a certain point where making the cars so safe that you might as well take the driver out? I mean did anyone even see Fernando scramble out of that insane wreck without so much as a scrape on him, unbelievable, I thought for sure we were gonna see him pulled out on a stretcher, but nope, walked away no probs. I see the halo as a knee jerk reaction to a problem that doesn't exist in F1, and I think it will help push a lot of fans away.

What are your thoughts? Pro halo? Why? Anti halo? Reasons? Let's talk F1 folks!!

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I believe we definitely have some f1 fans here, for sure...

As for the halo, it's a tough one due to the safety implications... I don't mind its appearance all that much but others hate it with passion. I think there's a plan to make it thinner but retain its strength. I guess we'll see how that plan goes.

Yes! Someone I can talk to, hahaha. I live in Canada right now so not too many F1 fans around. I don't mind the appearance too much, but I just don't know if I believe it will actually improve safety. It is the future though so I guess we will see. Thanks for the comment by the way :)

I'm in Greece, so there's a few fans but no f1 track ahahhaa... so...

Btw, there are a few posts here:

Just appeared here mate. Thank you for the patience! : )